[institut] Priprema dokumentacije - IDEJE (novi rok)

Antun Balaz antun at ipb.ac.rs
Fri Sep 4 17:20:50 CEST 2020

Postovane koleginice i kolege,

S obzirom da se polako blizi novi rok za predaju predloga projekata iz programa IDEJE, evo i nekoliko informacija za one koji pripremaju predloge:

1) Krajnji rok za predaju svih dokumenata za koje vam je potrebna saglasnost i potpis direktora je petak, 25. septembar. Dokumentaciju mozete da predate u arhivi, svakog radnog dana od 10 do 14 casova. Napomenite samo da se radi o projektnoj dokumentaciji za program IDEJE i da je treba predati direktoru.

2) Podaci za formular F4, odnosno gde god da se trazi:

Name of SRO: Institute of Physics Belgrade, National Institute of the Republic of Serbia
Acronym of SRO: IPB
Street address: Pregrevica 118
City: Belgrade
Country: Serbia
Responsible person in SRO: Dr. Aleksandar Bogojević
Contact person in SRO: Dr. Aleksandar Bogojević
Contact e-mail (contact person): kabinet at ipb.ac.rs
Contact phone (contact person): +381 11 3713140
Webpage of SRO: http://www.ipb.ac.rs/

Ako vam zatreba ime NIO na srpskom: Институт за физику у Београду, Институт од националног значаја за Републику Србију

3) Predlog za kratak opis IPB, koji po potrebi treba prilagoditi temi projekta:

Institute of Physics Belgrade (IPB), the first National institute of the Republic of Serbia, is dedicated to the study of physics and related disciplines. The research conducted at IPB into the fundamental mechanisms of nature is of strategic value to the scientific, educational, cultural, and the overall socioeconomic development of Serbia. With more than 200 researchers, IPB hosts four National centers of excellence and is a principal partner in a large number of national fundamental and applied research projects, as well as technology and innovation projects. IPB is recognized today in Serbia as a leading national research institution and in Europe and globally as a trustworthy partner and a relevant research center, as reflected by its participation in many EU FP6, FP7, H2020 and other international projects and collaborations.

Srdacan pozdrav,
Antun Balaz

др Антун Балаж
заменик директора
научни саветник

Телефон: 011/3713-152
Факс: 011/3162-190

Институт за физику у Београду
Институт од националног значаја за Републику Србију
Прегревица 118, 11080 Београд

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