[hep-th] Fwd: EP DETECTOR SEMINAR - Friday May 13 - 11h00 - Second generation of gravitational wave interferometric detectors: the example of Advanced Virgo

Djordje Sijacki sijacki at ipb.ac.rs
Tue May 3 15:07:36 CEST 2016

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: EP DETECTOR SEMINAR - Friday May 13 - 11h00 - Second generation of gravitational wave interferometric detectors: the example of Advanced Virgo
From: EP Seminars and Colloquia <EP-seminars.colloquia at cern.ch>
To: "ep-dep-info-seminars (Interested in EP seminars (EP users dont need to inscribe))" <ep-dep-info-seminars at cern.ch>

Dear colleagues,


This is an early announcement for the next Detector Seminar, which will be held on Friday May 13 at 11h00 in the Filtration Plant (222-R-001). The subject will be:


“Second generation of gravitational wave interferometric detectors: the example of Advanced Virgo”

By Nicola Arnaud (LAL Orsay)





After a few years of upgrade, the two Advanced LIGO detectors started taking data in September 2015 and shortly after recorded the first directly-detected gravitational wave signal. Advanced Virgo will soon catch up by forming a network of ground-based interferometric detectors, aiming at opening a new window into the Universe.

In this talk, I will use the example of Advanced Virgo to describe the interferometric detection of gravitational waves, review the main achievements of the first generation detectors and explain why a global upgrade was required to actually detect gravitational waves. I will show which challenges are being tackled by Virgo and LIGO to achieve this goal.


Please note that Vidyo will be available for this Seminar.


Kind regards,

Burkhard Schmidt

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