Страница са вестима за позив OC-2023-1
У 2023. години био је један отворен позив за предлагање COST акција. Позив је затворен 25. октобра 2023. Укупно је пријављено 522 предлога нових акција од којих је 30 проглашено неважећим (24 због повреде анонимности предлагача). Одобрених нових 60 акција је објављено 22. маја 2024. Номинација чланова у MC је омогућена од 13. јуна 2024. од када су доступне и контакт информације главних предлагача акција и документ Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) сваке акције.
Проценат успешности предлога је 11,5%. Од одобрених акција њих 50% покривају бар две OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) области, док 17% покрива три области. Успешност по областима је следећа: Natural Sciences (represented in 47% of the Actions), Social Sciences (37%), Engineering and Technology (27%), Agricultural Sciences (12%), Medical and Health Sciences (23%), and Humanities (23%).
У 18,3% акција главни предлагачи су млади истраживачи, 36,6% су жене, у 63% акција учествују истраживачи из малих и средњих предузећа, 31,6% главних предлагача долази из ITC (Inclusiveness Target Country) земаља. У овим новим одобреним акцијама нема главног предлагача из Србије, док у 40 (66.7%) акција наши истраживачи учествују као секундарни предлагачи.
COST нове акције CA231nn, nn = 01-60
Booklet - књижица 60 нових акција
Број и назив акције, главни предлагач, (институција), број институција секундарних предлагача из Србије
- CA23101 - Building Opportunities for Participation and Accessibility through lifelong community Mobility (BOPALiM)
Prof. Isabel Margot-Cattin (Haute école de Travail Social et de la Santé - Lausanne (HETSL), CH), RS 1x
- CA23102 - Linking euroscepticism and populism: causes and consequences (EUPopLink)
Prof. Ioannis Andreadis (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, EL), RS 1x
- CA23103 - Life, liberty and health: ensuring universal protection of human rights at sea (LLHS)
Prof. Anna Petrig (University of Basel, CH), RS 2x
- CA23104 - Mainstreaming water reuse into the circular economy paradigm (Water4Reuse)
Dr. Jérôme Harmand (LBE-INRAE, FR), RS 2x
- CA23105 - Language Plurality in Europe’s Changing Media Sphere (PLURIMEDIA)
Mr. Craig Willis (European Centre for Minority Issues, DE), RS 1x
- CA23106 - An Evolutionary View to Understanding Affective States across Species (AFFECT-EVO)
Dr. Tom Smulders (Newcastle University, UK), RS 2x
- CA23107 - Network for Evidence Synthesis in The Agri-Food Sector (NESA)
Dr. Nicola Randall (Harper Adams University, UK), RS 1x
- CA23108 - Seasonal-to-decadal climate predictability in the Mediterranean: process understanding and services (MEDUSSE)
Prof. Javier García-Serrano (Universitat de Barcelona, ES), RS 1x
- CA23109 - Fatigue Benchmark Repository (FBR)
Dr. Jan Papuga (Czech Technical University in Prague, CZ), RS 1x
- CA23110 - International networking on in vitro colon models simulating gut microbiota mediated interactions (INFOGUT)
Dr. Andrea Gianotti (Alma Mater University of Bologna, IT), RS 1x
- CA23111 - Searching for Nanostructured or pOre fOrming Peptides for therapY (SNOOPY)
Dr. Daniela Kalafatovic (University of Rijeka, Department of Biotechnology , HR), RS 2x
- CA23112 - ECritical perspectives on career and career guidance (CPCCG)
Prof. Tristram Hooley (Høgskolen I Innlandet, NO), NA 0x
- CA23113 - Climate change impacts on mental health in Europe (CliMent)
Prof. Francisco Sampaio (Porto School of Nursing, PT), RS 3x
- CA23114 - Regaining linkage? Digital technologies improving civic engagement, political organisations and democracy (RELINK2)
Prof. Michał Jacuński (Uniwersytet Wrocławski, PL), RS 1x
- CA23115 - Relativistic Quantum Information (RQI)
Dr. Charis Anastopoulos (University of Patras, EL), RS 2x
- CA23116 - Open Palaeoecological Data - analysing the past building foresight (PalaeOpen)
Dr. Thomas Giesecke (Utrecht University, NL), NA 0x
- CA23117 - Connecting Critical Pedagogies, Inclusive Art Forms and Alternative Barometers for Urban Sustainability (CIRCUL’ARTs)
Dr. Marta Jecu (Universidade Lusofona de Humanidades e Tecnologias, PT), NA 0x
- CA23118 - Futures-oriented Governance of Outer Space: Towards Peace, Equity, and Environmental Integrity (FOGOS)
Dr. Florian Rabitz (Kaunas University of Technology, LT), NA 0x
- CA23119 - SENESCENCE2030: Targeting Cell Senescence to Prevent Age-Related Diseases (SENESCENCE2030)
Dr. Aniello Cerrato (Institute for Experimental Endocrinology and Oncology (IEOS), CNR, IT), NA 0x
- CA23120 - Religious Identity, Bullying and Wellbeing at School: A Transnational Collaboration (ORBIT)
Prof. James O'Higgins Norman (Dublin City University, IE), RS 1x
- CA23121 - Genetic Nature Observation and Action (GENOA)
Dr. Ancuta FEDORCA (INCDS Marin Dracea, RO), NA 0x
- CA23122 - Utilizing 10,000 genomes of European Lepdioptera (10kLepGenomes)
Prof. Niklas Wahlberg (Lund University, SE), NA 0x
- CA23123 - Non-chemical weed management in medicinal and aromatic plants (weedingMAPs)
Ms. Anja Vieweger (Research Institute for Organic Agriculture (FiBL), CH), RS 2x
- CA23124 - Social, biological and climatic impacts of salt ages (SaltAges)
Dr. Konstantina Agiadi (University of Vienna, AT), RS 1x
- CA23125 - The mETamaterial foRmalism approach to recognize cAncer (TETRA)
Prof. Tatjana Gric (VILNIUS TECH, LT), NA 0x
- CA23126 - AlertHub: Warning Communication Knowledge Network (AlertHub)
Dr. Corina Daba-Buzoianu (National University of Political Studies and Public Administration, RO), RS 1x
- CA23127 - Group on Insect Nutrition: To Open Nutritional Innovative Challenges (GIN-TONIC)
Dr. Dennis Oonincx (Wageningen University and Research centre, NL), RS 2x
- CA23128 - Connecting Landscape Architecture Archives to enhance European landscape practice, research and education (ConnectLAA)
Prof. Lilli Lička (BOKU University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna, AT), NA 0x
- CA23129 - Peace Research Community Europe (PEACE)
Ms. Merel Selleslach (Flemish Peace Institute, BE), NA 0x
- CA23130 - Bridging high and low energies in search of quantum gravity (BridgeQG)
Dr. Giulia Gubitosi (Università di Napoli Federico II, IT), RS 3x
- CA23131 - ISO compatible, efficient and reproducible protocols/equipment for mICro-nanoPLASTIC detection through machine-learning (ICPLASTIC)
Dr. Daniel Hill (Aston University, UK), RS 6x
- CA23132 - Magnetic Particle Imaging for next-generation theranostics and medical research (NexMPI)
Dr. Spiridon Spirou (National Centre for Scientific Research "Demokritos", EL), RS 2x
- CA23133 - Large-scale Interdisciplinary Alliance on Nature-based SoLutions and Health: Indicators, InequalitY and Innovation (LILY)
Prof. Joacim Rocklöv (Heidelberg University, DE), RS 4x
- CA23134 - Topological textures in condensed matter (Polytopo)
Prof. Stavros Komineas (Foundation for Research and Technology, EL), RS 1x
- CA23135 - Bringing Digital Data and Reality Together - Augmented Reality in Forestry (ARiF)
Prof. Thomas Purfürst (University of Freiburg, DE), NA 0x
- CA23136 - Magnetism and chirality: twisting spins, light, and lattices for faster-than-ever spintronics (CHIROMAG)
Prof. Andrei Kirilyuk (Radboud University, NL), RS 2x
- CA23137 - Print Culture and Public Spheres in Central Europe 1500–1800 (PCPSce)
Dr. Mona Garloff (Universität Innsbruck, AT), RS 1x
- CA23138 - Port City Territories in Action: A collaborative Laboratory for Inclusive Energy Transition (PACT)
Prof. Carola Hein (Delft University of Technology, NL), NA 0x
- CA23139 - Network for Indoor Air Cleaning (Net4CleanAir)
Dr. Sofia Sousa (Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, PT), RS 1x
- CA23140 - Boost and secure ATMP for BURN patient (ESENBURN)
Dr. Celine Auxenfans (Hospices Civils de Lyon, FR), NA 0x
- CA23141 - Managing Artificial Intelligence in Archaeology (MAIA)
Dr. Gabriele Gattiglia (Università di Pisa, IT), RS 3x
- CA23142 - Developing Knowledge involved in diagnosis and control of human-diseases related to Pneumocystis (Delve-into-Pneumocystis)
Prof. Enrique Calderon (IBiS, ES), NA 0x
- CA23143 - Participation through Prayer in the Late Medieval and Early Modern World (PRAYTICIPATE)
Prof. Youri Desplenter (Youri Desplenter, BE), RS 2x
- CA23144 - Europe's Representations of India: Texts, Images, and Encounters (ESIND)
Prof. Martin Farek (Technical University of Liberec, CZ), RS 1x
- CA23145 - Architectural and Urban Ambiances of European Cities (SenCities)
Prof. Mohammed Boubezari (Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias, PT), RS 1x
- CA23146 - European vascular liver diseases network (EURO-VALDI-NET)
Prof. Pierre-emmanuel RAUTOU (Hôpital Beaujon, APHP, FR), RS 1x
- CA23147 - Global Network on Large-Scale, Cross-domain and Multilingual Open Knowledge Graphs (GOBLIN)
Dr. Milan Dojchinovski (Institute for Applied Informatics e.V. (InfAI) at Leipzig University, DE), NA 0x
- CA23148 - European Network for the Integrative Approach of Urban Forestry (INTUF)
Dr. Dieter Anseeuw (Vives, BE), RS 3x
- CA23149 - Democratization at stake? Comparing Anti-Gender Politics in CEE and NME countries (Antigender-Politics)
Prof. Heidi Hein-Kircher (Herder-Institute for Historical Research on East Central Europe - Member of the Leibniz-Association, DE), RS 1x
- CA23150 - pan-EUROpean BIoGeodynamics network (EUROBiG)
Prof. Taras Gerya (Institute of Geophysics, CH), RS 2x
- CA23151 - Mediterranean Cancer Screening and Early Diagnosis Network (Medi-CaSE)
Dr. Livia Giordano (AOU Città della Salute e della Scienza , IT), RS 1x
- CA23152 - Building Consensus on Biofilm Regulatory Decision Making (RegulatoryToolBox)
Prof. Darla Goeres (Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto, PT), RS 2x
- CA23153 - Digital Mental Health for Young People (YouthDMH)
Dr. Andreas Balaskas (University College Dublin, IE), NA 0x
- CA22154 - Environmental impact of anthelmintics in livestock and alternatives to minimize their use (ENVIRANT)
Dr. Maria Martinez-Valladares (Instituto de Ganadería de Montaña, ES), NA 0x
- CA23155 - A pan-European network of Ocean Tribology (OTC)
Pof. Patrick De Baets (Ghent University, BE), NA 0x
- CA23156 - European Network for Sigma-1 Receptor as a Therapeutic Opportunity (SIGMA-1EUROPE)
Dr. Tangui Maurice (Institut national de la Sante et de la Recherche Medicale INSERM, FR), NA 0x
- CA23157 - European Network for Multiple View Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment (MultiViewLCSA)
Dr. Wei Wang (University of Skövde, SE), RS 2x
- CA23158 - Artistic Intelligence - Responsiveness, accessibility, responsibility, equity (ARTinRARE)
Dr. Paulo Luís Almeida (i2ADS - Research Institute in Art, Design and Society, PT), RS 1x
- CA23159 - Decarbonising Waterborne Transportation (DEWATRA)
Prof. Carlos Guedes Soares (Instituto Superior Técnico, PT), NA 0x
- CA23160 - Effective Lake management: reducing cyanobacteria by actions in the catchment (CyanoAction)
Dr. Claudia Wiegand (University of Rennes 1, FR), RS 1x