RESULTS in 2014

Revised on Dec 31st, 2014


RESULTS in 2014. 1


Monographs/Chapters 1

Papers and Letters (Refereed) 1

Invited Talks at International Conferences and Meetings. 6

Invited Talks at National Conferences 8

Contributed Papers and Abstracts at International Conferences. 9

Contributed Papers and Abstracts at National Conferences. 14


Other publications. 15

Editorialships. 16


SEMINARS in 2014: 16




(in inverse chronological order; underlined - people gathered along the project #171020; bolded – presenter of the invited talk; articles in green are published in the top 10% journals within the field)




M1. Aarthi Ganesan, Sudha Deshmukh, Gagan B. Pradhan, V. Radojevic, S.T. Manson and P.C. Deshmukh,

“Low energy photoionization of Xe 5s subshell” in Electron Collision Processes in Atomic and Molecular Physics Ed. P. C. Minaxi Vinodkumar, (Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, 2014) pp.158-162.

ISBN 978-81-8487-343-6



Papers and Letters (Refereed)


P23. M. O. A. El Ghazaly, J. B. A. Mitchell, J. Jureta, and P. Defrance,

“Electron Impact Induced Fragmentation of N2H+ and N2D+”,

J. Phys. Chem. A: Mol. Spectr. Kinetics, Envir. Gen. Theory 118(43) 10020-10027 (2014).

DOI: 10.1021/jp5084967

ISSN: 1089-5639

Acknowledgements: N/A

2014: (M21=8, if=2.771 for 2012 CP_50/135, PAMC_10/34; if=2.775 for 2013 CP_50/136, PAMC_11/33)

2017: (M21=8, if=2.771 for 2012 CP_50/135, PAMC_10/34; if=2.775 for 2013 CP_50/136, PAMC_11/33; if=2.693 for 2014 CP_52/139, PAMC_10/34)


P22. F. Penent, M. Nakano, M. Tashiro, T. P. Grozdanov, M. Žitnik, S. Carniato, P. Selles, L. Andric, P. Lablanquie, J. Palaudoux, E. Shigemasa, H. Iwayama, Y. Hikosaka, K. Soejima, I. H. Suzuki, N. Kouchi, and K. Ito,

“Molecular single photon double K-shell ionization”,

J. Elec. Spec. Rel. Phenom. 196, 38-42 (2014).


Special issue: Advances in Vacuum Ultraviolet and X-ray Physics, The 38th International Conference on Vacuum Ultraviolet and X-ray Physics (VUVX2013), University of Science and Technology of China.

ISSN: 0368-2048

Acknowledgements: The approval of PF and SOLEIL advisory committee from 2009 to 2011.

2014: (M23=3 if=1.708 for 2012 S_22/43; if=1.552 for 2013 S_24/44)

2017: (M22=5 if=1.708 for 2012 S_22/43; if=1.552 for 2013 S_24/44; if=1.436 for 2014 S_25/43)


P21. D. Arsenović, N. Burić, D. B. Popović, M. Radonjić and S. Prvanović,

“Cloning in nonlinear Hamiltonian quantum and hybrid mechanics”,

Phys. Rev. A 90, 042115 (2014) [7 pp]

doi: 10.1103/PhysRevA.90.042115

ISSN: 1050-2947

Acknowledgements: grant – MESTD RS OI#171006, 171017, 171020, 171038, III#45016 and COST Action MP1006.

2014: (M21=8, if=3.042 for 2012 O_8/80; PAMC_9/34; if=2.991 for 2013 O_12/82, PAMC_9/33)

2017: (M21a=10, if=3.042 for 2012 O_8/80; PAMC_9/34; if=2.991 for 2013 O_12/82, PAMC_9/33; if=2.808 for 2014 O_16/87, PAMC_9/34)


P20. V. M. Petrović, T. B. Miladinović,

“Influence of the spatial and temporal distribution of an incident laser beam profle on the energy distribution of ionized photoelectrons”

J. Exp. Theor. Phys. 119(4), 651-656 (2014).

DOI: 10.1134/S1063776114100082

ISSN 1063-7761 (online 1090-6509) also:

ЖЭТФ 146(4-10) 741-746 (2014).

DOI: 10.7868/S0044451014100083

ISSN: 0044-4510

Acknowledgements: grant – MESTD RS OI #171020 and OI #171021.

2014: (M22=5) if=0.931 for 2013 PM_49/78; if=0.921 for 2012 PM_54/83; if=1.028 for 2011 PM_41/81)

2017: (M23=3) if=0.921 for 2012 PM_54/83; if=0.931 for 2013 PM_49/78; if=0.879 for 2014 PM_55/78)


P19. V. Petrović, T. Miladinović, and V. Ristić,

“Single and double tunneling ionization of the noble gases exposed to a linearly or circulary polarized laser field”

Romanian Rep. Phys. 66(4), 929-938 (2014).

ISSN: 1221-1451 (online 1841-8759)

Acknowledgements: grant – MESTD RS OI #171020 and OI #171021.

2014: (M23=3, if=1.137 for 2013 PM_44/78)

2017: (M22=5, if=1.123 for 2012 PM_45/83; if=1.137 for 2013 PM_44/78; if=1.517 for 2014 PM_32/78)


P18. T. Miladinović and V. Petrović,

Quasiclassical approach to tunnel ionization in the non relativistic and relativistic regimes”

Rev. Mex. Fis. 60(4), 290-295 (2014).

ISSN: 0035-001X

Acknowledgements: grant – MESTD RS OI #171020 and OI #171021.

2014: (M23=3, if=0.366 for 2011 PM_72/84; if=0.352 for 2012 PM_74/83; if=0.328 for 2013 PM_71/78)

2017: (M23=3, if=0.352 for 2012 PM_74/83; if=0.328 for 2013 PM_71/78; if=0.339 for 2014 PM_74/78)


P17. Maja S. Rabasović, Bratislav P. Marinković, and Dragutin Šević,

“Time-Resolved Optical Spectra of the Laser Induced Indium Plasma detected using a Streak Camera”,

IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 42(10), 2588-2589 (2014).

7th Triannual Special Issue on Images in Plasma Science

DOI: 10.1109/TPS.2014.2352400

ISSN: 0093-3813

2014: (M23=3 if=1.174 for 2011 PFP_18/31; if=0.868 for 2012 PFP_23/31; if=0.950 for 2013 PFP_22/31)

2017: (M23=3 if=0.868 for 2012 PFP_23/31; if=0.950 for 2013 PFP_22/31; if=1.101 for 2014 PFP_21/31)


P16. P. Defrance, J. Jureta, J. Lecointre, E. Giglio, B. Gervais, C. Dal Cappello, M. Ruiz-Lopez, I. Charpentier, and P.-A. Hervieux

“Electron-impact dissociative ionization of the molecular ion HDO+: A global view”,

Phys. Rev. A 90, 042704 (2014) [6 pp]

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.90.042704

ISSN: 1050-2947

2014: (M21=8, if=3.042 for 2012 O_8/80; PAMC_9/34; if=2.991 for 2013 O_12/82, PAMC_9/33)

2017: (M21a=10, if=3.042 for 2012 O_8/80; PAMC_9/34; if=2.991 for 2013 O_12/82, PAMC_9/33; if=2.808 for 2014 O_16/87, PAMC_9/34)


P15. I. Mendaš, N. Burić, D.B. Popović, S. Prvanović and M. Radonjić,

Geometric Phase for Analytically Solvable Driven Time-Dependent Two-Level Quantum Systems

Acta Physica Polonica A 126(3), 670-672 (2014).

DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.126.670

ISSN: 0587-4246

Acknowledgements: grants – MESTD RS OI #171006, #171017 #171020, #171028, #171038, COST Action MP1006.

2014: (M23=3, if=0.604 for 2013 MP_64/77)

2017: (M23=3, if=0.531 for 2012 MP_64/77; if=0.604 for 2013 MP_64/77; if=0.530 for 2014 MP_69/78)


P14. T. P. Grozdanov and E. A. Solov'ev,

“Dynamical adiabatic theory of atomic collisions: The structure of hidden, avoided, and L3 crossings”,

Phys. Rev. A 90, 032706 (2014) [10 pp].

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.90.032706


Acknowledgements: grant – MESTD RS OI #171020; Serbia-JINR collaboration program; R.McCarroll for critical reading of the manuscript.

2014: (M21=8, if=3.042 for 2012 O_8/80; PAMC_9/34; if=2.991 for 2013 O_12/82, PAMC_9/33)

2017: (M21a=10, if=3.042 for 2012 O_8/80; PAMC_9/34; if=2.991 for 2013 O_12/82, PAMC_9/33; if=2.808 for 2014 O_16/87, PAMC_9/34)


P13. Radonjić Milan M, Popović Duška B, Prvanović Slobodan L, Burić Nikola,

Ehrenfest principle and unitary dynamics of quantum-classical systems with general potential interaction”,

Phys. Rev. A 89, 024104 (2014) [10 pp].

doi: 10.1103/PhysRevA.89.024104


Acknowledgements: grants – MESTD RS OI #171006, #171017 #171020, #171038, III45016; COST Action MP1006.

2014: (M21=8, if=3.042 for 2012 O_8/80; PAMC_9/34; if=2.991 for 2013 O_12/82, PAMC_9/33)

2017: (M21a=10, if=3.042 for 2012 O_8/80; PAMC_9/34; if=2.991 for 2013 O_12/82, PAMC_9/33; if=2.808 for 2014 O_16/87, PAMC_9/34)


P12. Burić Nikola, Popović Duška B, Radonjić Milan M, Prvanović Slobodan L,

“Orbits of hybrid systems as qualitative indicators of quantum dynamics”,

Phys. Lett. A 378(16-17), 1081-1084 (2014).


ISSN: 0375-9601

Acknowledgements: grants – MESTD RS OI #171006, #171017 #171020, #171038, III45016; COST Action MP1006.

2014: (M21=8, if=1.632 for 2011 PM_22/84; if=1.766 for 2012 PM_25/82; if=1.626 for 2013 PM_27/77)

2017: (M22=5, if=1.766 for 2012 PM_25/83; if=1.626 for 2013 PM_28/78; if=1.683 for 2013 PM_26/78)


P11. Burić Nikola, Popović Duška B, Radonjić Milan M, Prvanović Slobodan L,

“Phase space theory of quantum-classical systems with nonlinear and stochastic dynamics”,

Annals of Physics 343, 16-26 (2014).


ISSN: 0003-4916

Acknowledgements: grants – MESTD RS OI #171006, #171017 #171020, #171038, III45016; COST Action MP1006.

2014: (M21=8, if=3.318 for 2012 PM_13/82; if=3.065 for 2013 PM_14/77)

2017: (M21=8, if=3.318 for 2012 PM_13/82; if=3.065 for 2013 PM_14/77; if=2.103 for 2014 PM_19/78)


P10. Aleksandar R Milosavljević , Viktor Z Cerovski , Francis Canon , Miloš Lj Ranković , Nikola Škoro , Laurent Nahon , and Alexandre Giuliani,

“Energy-Dependent UV Photodissociation of Gas-Phase Adenosine Monophosphate Nucleotide Ions: The Role of a Single Solvent Molecule”

J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 5, 1994-1999 (2014).

DOI: 10.1021/jz500696b

ISSN: 1948-7185

Acknowledgements: grant – MESTD RS OI #171020, OI #171033, OI #171037, III # 41011; French ANR (project #ANR-08-BLAN-0065); the "Pavle Savic" bilateral scientific project between Serbia and France (N°27482TE); COST Action MP1002 (Nano-IBCT); SOLEIL projects #20120874 and #20130388.

2014: (M21=8 if=6.585 for 2012 PAMC_1/34; if=6.687 for 2013 PAMC_2/33)

2017: (M21a=10 if=6.585 for 2012 CP_15/135, MSM_18/241, NN_11/69, PAMC_1/34; if=6.687 for 2013 CP_19/136, MSM_21/251, NN_13/73, PAMC_2/33; if=7.458 for 2014 CP_17/139, MSM_19/260, NN_9/80, PAMC_1/34)


P9. Ramdan M. Dukali, Ivana M. Radović, Dušica B. Stojanović, Dragutin M. Šević, Vesna J. Radojević, Dragan M. Jocić and Radoslav R. Aleksić,

“Electrospinning of the laser dye rhodamine B-doped poly(methyl methacrylate) nanofibers”,

J. Serb. Chem. Soc. 79(7), 867–880 (2014).


ISSN: 0352-5139

Acknowledgements: grants – MES RS # TR 34011, III 45019 and OI 171020.

2014: (M23=3 if=0.912 for 2012, CM_100/152)

2017: (M23=3 if=0.912 for 2012, CM_100/152; if=0.889 for 2012, CM_105/148; if=0.871 for 2012, CM_114/157)


P8. J. J. Jureta, A. R. Milosavljević and B. P. Marinković,

“High energy electron impact study on autoionizing region in helium by detection of ejected electrons”,

Int. J. Mass. Spectrom. 365-366, 114 – 120 (2014).

Dedicated to 70th birthday of Prof. Tilmann D. Märk.

DOI: 10.1016/j.ijms.2014.03.002

ISSN: 1387-3806

Acknowledgements: grant – MES RS # OI 171020; COST Action MP1002 (Nano-IBCT); bilateral project between Republic of Serbia and Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst-DAAD 2012-2013 “Electron and ion collision data base as a support for nanodosimetry research in radiation damage” (DAAD #54394840 and MESTD RS # 680-00-00095/2012-09/9) and to Professors P. Defrance, X. Urbain and S. Cvejanovic.

2014: (M22=5 if=2.547 for 2011, PAMC_11/33, SPEC_14/42; if=2.142 for 2012, PAMC_14/33, SPEC_16/43; if=2.227 for 2013, PAMC_13/33, SPEC_17/44)

2017: (M22=5 if=2.142 for 2012, PAMC_14/33, SPEC_16/43; if=2.227 for 2013, PAMC_13/33, SPEC_17/44; if=1.972 for 2014, PAMC_16/34, SPEC_20/44)


P7. R. Janečková, O. May, A.R. Milosavljević, and J. Fedor,

“Partial cross sections for dissociative electron attachment to tetrahydrofuran reveal a dynamics-driven rich fragmentation pattern”,

Int. J. Mass. Spectrom. 365-366, 163 – 168 (2014).

Dedicated to 70th birthday of Prof. Tilmann D. Märk.

doi: 10.1016/j.ijms.2014.01.017

ISSN: 1387-3806

Acknowledgements: grants: Swiss Nat. Sci. Found. #PZ00P2_132357; MES RS # OI 171020; short int. visit grant (ARM) SNSF #IZK0Z2_143984.

2014: (M22=5 if=2.547 for 2011, PAMC_11/33, SPEC_14/42; if=2.142 for 2012, PAMC_14/33, SPEC_16/43; if=2.227 for 2013, PAMC_13/33, SPEC_17/44)

2017: (M22=5 if=2.142 for 2012, PAMC_14/33, SPEC_16/43; if=2.227 for 2013, PAMC_13/33, SPEC_17/44; if=1.972 for 2014, PAMC_16/34, SPEC_20/44)


P6. Alexandre Giuliani, Aleksandar R. Milosavljević, Francis Canon, and Laurent Nahon,

“Contribution of synchrotron radiation to photoactivation studies of biomolecular ions in the gas phase”,

Mass Spectrometry Reviews 33, 424-441 (2014).

DOI: 10.1002/mas.21398

ISSN: 0277-7037 (print), ISSN: 1098-2787 (online)

Acknowledgements: grants – MES RS OI # 171020; Agence Nationale de la Recherche Scientifique, France (no. ANR-08-BLAN-0065); "Pavle Savic" project of bilateral scientific collaboration between Serbia and France (MES RS # 680-00-132/2012-09/06); COST Action MP1002 (Nano-IBCT).

2014: (M21=8 if=8.053 for 2013 S_2/44)

2017: (M21a=10 if=7.735 for 2012 S_2/43; if=8.053 for 2013 S_2/44; if=7.709 for 2014 S_2/44)


P5. A. R. Milosavljević, V. Z. Cerovski, M. LjRanković, F. Canon, L. Nahon, and A. Giuliani,

“VUV photofragmentation of protonated leucine-enkephalin peptide dimer below ionization energy”,

Eur. Phys. J. D 68(3), 68 (2014) [6 pp]

DOI: 10.1140/epjd/e2014-40826-y

ISSN: 1434-6060

Acknowledgements: grant – MES RS # OI 171020 and OI 171033; French ANR (Project ANR-2 08-BLAN-0065), the “Pavle Savic” bilateral scientific project between Serbia and France (N27482TE); the COST Action MP1002 (Nano-IBCT); the SOLEIL beamtime under Projects 20110324 and 20130388.

2014: (M22=5 if=1.513 for 2012, O_33/80, PAMC_22/34)

2017: (M22=5 if=1.513 for 2012, O_33/80, PAMC_22/34; if=1.398 for 2013, O_40/83, PAMC_22/33; if=1.228 for 2012, O_53/87, PAMC_25/34)


P4. N. Burić, D. B. Popović, M. Radonjić, and S. Prvanović

Unified Treatment of Geometric Phases for Statistical Ensembles of Classical, Quantum and Hybrid Systems,

Int. J. Theor. Phys.53, 1046-1055 (2014).


ISSN: 0020-7748

Acknowledgements: grants – MESTD RS OI #171006, #171017 #171020, #171038, III45016; COST Action MP1006.

2014: (M23=3 if=1.188 for 2013 PM_41/77)

2017: (M22=5 if=1.086 for 2012 PM_46/83; if=1.186 for 2013 PM_42/78; if=1.184 for 2014 PM_41/78)


P3. G. Aarthi, J. Jose, S. Deshmukh, V. Radojevic, P. C. Deshmukh, and S. T. Manson,

“Photoionization study of Xe 5s: Ionization Cross Sections and Photoelectron Angular Distributions”,

J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 47, 025004 (2014) [5 pp]


ISSN: 0953-4075

Acknowledgements: grants –MES RS (project # 171020).

2014: (M21=8 if=2.031 for 2012, O_20/80, PAMC_16/34; if=1.916 for 2013, O_24/83, PAMC_18/33)

2017: (M21=8 if=2.031 for 2012, O_20/80, PAMC_16/34; if=1.916 for 2013, O_24/83, PAMC_18/33; if=1.975 for 2014, O_28/87, PAMC_15/34)


P2. Julien Lecointre, Jozo Jureta, X Urbain and Pierre Defrance,

“Electron-impact dissociation of HeH+: Absolute cross sections for the production of Heq+ (q= 1–2) fragments”,

J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 47, 015203 (2014) [11 pp]


ISSN: 0953-4075

Acknowledgements: grants –MES RS (project # 171020).

2014: (M21=8 if=2.031 for 2012, O_20/80, PAMC_16/34; if=1.916 for 2013, O_24/83, PAMC_18/33)

2017: (M21=8 if=2.031 for 2012, O_20/80, PAMC_16/34; if=1.916 for 2013, O_24/83, PAMC_18/33; if=1.975 for 2014, O_28/87, PAMC_15/34)


P1. Bratislav P. Marinković, Ambra Delneri, Maja S. Rabasović, Mira Terzić, Mladen Franko and Dragutin Šević,

“Investigation and detection of cyanobacterial Cr-phycoerythrin by laser based techniques”,

J. Serb. Chem. Soc. 79(2), 185-198 (2014).

doi: 10.2298/JSC130417088M

ISSN: 0352-5139

Acknowledgements: grant – MES RS OI #171020 and COST Action FA0906 “UV-B radiation: A specific regulator of plant growth and food quality in a changing climate (UV4growth)”.

2014: (M23=3 if=0.912 for 2012, CM_100/152)

2017: (M23=3 if=0.912 for 2012, CM_100/152; if=0.889 for 2012, CM_105/148; if=0.871 for 2012, CM_114/157)



Invited Talks at International Conferences and Meetings


IT08. A.R.Milosavljević, C. Nicolas, F. Canon, C. Miron and A. Giuliani,

“Action spectroscopy of stored biomolecular ions in the soft Xray range”,

Proc. 27th Summer School and Int. Symp. on Physics of Ionized Gases – SPIG 2014, 26th - 29th August 2014, Belgrade, Serbia, Contributed Papers & Abstracts of Invited Lectures, Topical Invited Lectures, Progress Reports and Workshop Lectures, Editors: Dragana Marić, Aleksandar R. Milosavljević and Zoran Mijatović, (IOP Belgrade and SASA, Belgrade, Serbia), Invited Workshop Lecture, p.533.

ISBN: 978-86-7762-600-6.

Acknowledgements: projects – MESTD RS (OI 171020); PLEIADES beamline SOLEIL proposal #20130382; ANRS #BLAN08-1_348053.



IT07. B. Predojević, V. Pejčev, D. Šević and B. Marinković,

“Electron excitation and autoinization cross sections for elements of chemically peculiar (CP) stars: Study of bismuth”,

Proc. 27th Summer School and Int. Symp. on Physics of Ionized Gases – SPIG 2014, 26th - 29th August 2014, Belgrade, Serbia, Contributed Papers & Abstracts of Invited Lectures, Topical Invited Lectures, Progress Reports and Workshop Lectures, Editors: Dragana Marić, Aleksandar R. Milosavljević and Zoran Mijatović, (IOP Belgrade and SASA, Belgrade, Serbia), Topical Invited Lecture, p.476.

ISBN: 978-86-7762-600-6.

Also: J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 565 012019 (2014) [7pp]


Acknowledgements: projects – MESTD RS (#171020) and COST Action MP 1002 (Nano-IBCT); CM1301 (CELINA).

2014: (M31=3)

2017: (M31=3,5)


IT06. N. Milojević,

“Single electron capture in fast ionatom collisions”,

Proc. 27th Summer School and Int. Symp. on Physics of Ionized Gases – SPIG 2014, 26th - 29th August 2014, Belgrade, Serbia, Contributed Papers & Abstracts of Invited Lectures, Topical Invited Lectures, Progress Reports and Workshop Lectures, Editors: Dragana Marić, Aleksandar R. Milosavljević and Zoran Mijatović, (IOP Belgrade and SASA, Belgrade, Serbia), Progress Report, p.20.

ISBN: 978-86-7762-600-6.

Also: J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 565 012004 (2014) [10pp]


Acknowledgements: projects – MESTD RS (#171020) and Prof. Dz. Belkic.

2014: (M31=3)

2017: (M31=3,5)


IT05. M. S. Rabasović,

“Electron – Indium atom scattering and analysis of electron and optical spectra”,

Proc. 27th Summer School and Int. Symp. on Physics of Ionized Gases – SPIG 2014, 26th - 29th August 2014, Belgrade, Serbia, Contributed Papers & Abstracts of Invited Lectures, Topical Invited Lectures, Progress Reports and Workshop Lectures, Editors: Dragana Marić, Aleksandar R. Milosavljević and Zoran Mijatović, (IOP Belgrade and SASA, Belgrade, Serbia), Progress Report, p.19.

ISBN: 978-86-7762-600-6.

Also: J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 565 012006 (2014) [7pp]


Acknowledgements: projects – MESTD RS (#171020).

2014: (M31=3)

2017: (M31=3,5)


IT04. J. B. Maljković,

“Absolute differential cross sections for elastic electron scattering from small biomolecules”,

Proc. 27th Summer School and Int. Symp. on Physics of Ionized Gases – SPIG 2014, 26th - 29th August 2014, Belgrade, Serbia, Contributed Papers & Abstracts of Invited Lectures, Topical Invited Lectures, Progress Reports and Workshop Lectures, Editors: Dragana Marić, Aleksandar R. Milosavljević and Zoran Mijatović, (IOP Belgrade and SASA, Belgrade, Serbia), Progress Report, p.18.

ISBN: 978-86-7762-600-6.

Also: J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 565 012005 (2014) [6pp]


Acknowledgements: projects – MESTD RS (#171020) and COST Action MP 1002 (Nano-IBCT).

2014: (M31=3)

2017: (M31=3,5)


IT03. J. B. Maljković, F. Blanco, G. García, B. P. Marinković and A. R. Milosavljević,

“Absolute Cross Sections for Elastic Electron Scattering from Furan and THF Molecules”,

Proc. 6th Conference on Elementary Processes in Atomic Systems – CEPAS 2014, 9th - 12th July 2014, Bratislava, Slovakia, Contributed Papers, Editors: Štefan Matejčík, Peter Papp and Ondrej Bogár, (Comenius University, Faculty of mathematics physics and informatics, Bratislava, Slovakia), pp.133-135.

ISBN: 987-80-8147-021-9.

Acknowledgements: projects – MESTD RS (#171020), Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (#FIS2012-31230) and COST Action MP 1002 (Nano-IBCT).



IT2. Tasko Grozdanov,

“Low-energy H+ + H2 reactive collisions”,

Proc. ICPEAC 2013, 24th – 30th July 2013, Lanzhou, China, Progress Report Th05.

J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 488 012030 (2014) [8 pp]


ISSN: 1742-6596, IOPscience

Acknowledgements: MESTD RS (#171020).

2014: (M31=3)

2017: (M31=3,5)


IT02. Milic, S, Kolarž, P., Vidovic, M, Jovanovic, Lj. Morina, F. Veljovic-Jovanovic, S,

“Effects of covering materials differing in UV-transparency on the nutritional value of tomato grown in high tunnels”,

Abstracts of the Final Network Meeting of COST Action FA0906 UV4growth, 30 March - 2 April 2014, Bled, Slovenia, Oral presentation, p.59.

Acknowledgement: grant – MESTD RS III #43010.

ISBN 978-961-6822-18-3, COST Office; Department of Biology, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana.



IT01. A.R.Milosavljević, F. Canon, V. Z. Cerovski, M. Lj. Rankovic, C. Nicolas, C. Miron, L. Nahon, and A. Giuliani,

“Photoionization of isolated charged proteins - the role of charge state and nanosolvation”,

Proc. COST Action CM 1204 - Book of Abstract - lst Meeting of the XLIC Working Group 2, "REACTIVITY OF HIGHLY EXCITED AND HIGHLY CHARGED MOLECULES" 24th - 27th February, 2014, Port-en-Bassin-Huppain, France, Oral presentation, p.43.

Acknowledgements: grants – MESTD RS OI # 171020 and #171033; ANR-08-BLAN-0065 (France); "PavleSavic" bilateral project (MES RS # 680-00-132/2012-09/06); COST MP1002. Data obtained at the SOLEIL synchrotron (Proposals 20100847,20110324, 20110694,20120117).

ISBN: N/A, COST Office; Stockholm University; CIMAP.




Invited Talks at National Conferences


NT01. Maja Rabasović, Dragutin Šević, Bratislav Marinković,

Analiza prostornih i spektralnih slika laserski indukovane plazme snimljenih strik kamerom”,

7. radionica fotonika 2014. Zbornik radova, Kopaonik, 10 – 14.03.2014. Urednici: A. Kovačević, D. Lukić, Oral presentation, p.26.

ISBN 978-86-82441-39-7




Contributed Papers and Abstracts at International Conferences


CI29. N. Burić, D. B. Popović, M. Radonjić and S. Prvanović,

“A quantum-classical theory with nonlinear and stochastic dynamics”,

Phys. Scr. T163, 014003 (2014) [4 pp]

Proceedings of Quantum Theory: Advances and Problems—QTAP, Linnaeus University, Sweden, June 10–13, 2013


Online ISSN: 1402-4896 Print ISSN: 0031-8949

Acknowledgements: grant – MESTD RS OI#171006, 171017, 171020, 171038, III#45016 and COST Action MP1006.



CI28. M. S. Rabasovic, D. Sevic, J. Krizan, M. D. Rabasovic and N. Romcevic,

“Annealing effects on luminescent properties of Eu3+ doped Gd2Zr2O7nanopowders”,

The Third Serbian Ceramic Society Conference »Advanced Ceramics and Application III – New Frontiers in Multifunctional Material Science and Processing«, September 29-October 1, 2014, Program and The Book of Abstracts, (Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Belgrade, 2014) Poster Session 2: PS2 Nanostructures & Amorphous& Functional & Sintering, Poster presentation PS2-9, p.91.


CI27. S. Vogel, J. Rackwitz, R. Schurmann, J. Prinz, A. R. Milosavliević, A. Giuliani, and I. Bald,

“Determination of Sequence-Specific DNA Strand Breaks Induced by VUV Radiation Using the DNA Origami Technique”,

Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. “Radiation Damage in Biomolecular Systems: Nanoscale Insights into Ion-Beam Cancer Therapy” – Nano-IBCT 2014, October 27 – 31, 2014, Boppard am Rhein, Germany, Book of Abstracts, Eds. G. García, N. Mason and A. V. Solov’yov, Poster presentation PS32, p.123.

ISBN: N/A, (COST Action MP1002, DFG and MBN Research Centre, Frankfurt am Main, Germany)



CI26. A. R. Milosavliević, A. Domaracka, P. Rousseau, and A. Giuliani,

“Highly Charged Ions Collisions with Gas-Phase Multiply Charged Proteins”,

Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. “Radiation Damage in Biomolecular Systems: Nanoscale Insights into Ion-Beam Cancer Therapy” – Nano-IBCT 2014, October 27 – 31, 2014, Boppard am Rhein, Germany, Book of Abstracts, Eds. G. García, N. Mason and A. V. Solov’yov, Poster presentation PS20, p.108.

ISBN: N/A, (COST Action MP1002, DFG and MBN Research Centre, Frankfurt am Main, Germany)

Acknowledgements: ANR, France (#BLAN08-1 348053). A.R.M. acknowledges the support from ESF/COST Acfion CM 1204 (XLIC) and MESTD RS (OI #171020) The work is also motivated by the ESF/COST Action MP 1002 (Nano-IBCT). The experiments have been performed in GANIL in the framework of the interdisplinary program advisory committee. We are gratefiil to Fabien Noury, Thierry Been and Stephane Guillous for the technical support and for the preparation of the ion beam.



CI25. Bratislav P. Marinković, Veljko Vujčić, Stefan Ivanović, Dara B. Marinković, Guy Rixon, Gustavo García, Darko Jevremović and Nigel J. Mason,

“Representation of Electron and Positron Interactions with Biomolecules within RADAM Database”,

Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. “Radiation Damage in Biomolecular Systems: Nanoscale Insights into Ion-Beam Cancer Therapy” – Nano-IBCT 2014, October 27 – 31, 2014, Boppard am Rhein, Germany, Book of Abstracts, Eds. G. García, N. Mason and A. V. Solov’yov, Poster presentation PS19, p.106-107.

ISBN: N/A, (COST Action MP1002, DFG and MBN Research Centre, Frankfurt am Main, Germany)

Acknowledgements: RS MESTD grants OI #171020 and III #44002, the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion (Project FIS2009-10245) and by the SUP@VAMDC 106PS-19 EU fp7 project; COST Action MP 1002 Nano-IBCT.



CI24. P. Bolognesi, A. Kettunen, A . Cartoni, R. Richter, S. Tošić, S. Maclot, P. Rousseau, R. Delaunay, A . Domaracka, and L. Avaldi,

“Selectivity in the Photofragmentation of Halo-pyrimidines”

Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. “Radiation Damage in Biomolecular Systems: Nanoscale Insights into Ion-Beam Cancer Therapy” – Nano-IBCT 2014, October 27 – 31, 2014, Boppard am Rhein, Germany, Book of Abstracts, Eds. G. García, N. Mason and A. V. Solov’yov, Poster presentation PS04, p.84-85.

ISBN: N/A, (COST Action MP1002, DFG and MBN Research Centre, Frankfurt am Main, Germany)

Acknowledgements: The Serbia - Italy Joint Research Project "Nanoscale Insight in the Radiation Damage" and the COST Action nano-IBCT via the STSM scheme.



CI23. B. Tomčik, B. P. Marinković and B. Predojević,

“Plasma Methods in Deposition and Evaluation of Nano-Sized Carbon Films”,

Proc. 27th Summer School and Int. Symp. on Physics of Ionized Gases – SPIG 2014, 26th - 29th August 2014, Belgrade, Serbia, Contributed Papers & Abstracts of Invited Lectures, Topical Invited Lectures, Progress Reports and Workshop Lectures, Editors: Dragana Marić, Aleksandar R. Milosavljević and Zoran Mijatović, (IOP Belgrade and SASA, Belgrade, Serbia), Poster Presentation 3.52, pp.467-470.

ISBN: 978-86-7762-600-6.

Acknowledgements: project – A*STAR.



CI22. A. R. Milosavljević, M. Lj. Ranković, J. B. Maljković, R. J. Bereczky, B. P. Marinković and K. Tökési,

“Kinetic Energy Distribution of Electrons Scattered Inside a Platinum Tube at the Incident Energy of 200 eV”,

Proc. 27th Summer School and Int. Symp. on Physics of Ionized Gases – SPIG 2014, 26th - 29th August 2014, Belgrade, Serbia, Contributed Papers & Abstracts of Invited Lectures, Topical Invited Lectures, Progress Reports and Workshop Lectures, Editors: Dragana Marić, Aleksandar R. Milosavljević and Zoran Mijatović, (IOP Belgrade and SASA, Belgrade, Serbia), Poster Presentation 2.11, pp.210-213.

ISBN: 978-86-7762-600-6.

Acknowledgements: projects – MESTD RS (OI #171020); Hungarian SRF OTKA #NN 103279; bilateral program SASA-HAS and COST Action CM1301 (CELINA).



CI21. T. P. Grozdanov and E. A. Solov’ev,

“Dynamical Adiabatic Potential Energy Curves of HeH2+ System: Crossings in Complex Plane of Internuclear Separations”,

Proc. 27th Summer School and Int. Symp. on Physics of Ionized Gases – SPIG 2014, 26th - 29th August 2014, Belgrade, Serbia, Contributed Papers & Abstracts of Invited Lectures, Topical Invited Lectures, Progress Reports and Workshop Lectures, Editors: Dragana Marić, Aleksandar R. Milosavljević and Zoran Mijatović, (IOP Belgrade and SASA, Belgrade, Serbia), Poster Presentation 1.21, pp.102-105.

ISBN: 978-86-7762-600-6.

Acknowledgements: projects – MESTD RS (OI #171020) and Serbia-JINR collaboration program.



CI20. I. Mančev and N. Milojević,

“Single Electron Capture in p- Li+ Collisions”,

Proc. 27th Summer School and Int. Symp. on Physics of Ionized Gases – SPIG 2014, 26th - 29th August 2014, Belgrade, Serbia, Contributed Papers & Abstracts of Invited Lectures, Topical Invited Lectures, Progress Reports and Workshop Lectures, Editors: Dragana Marić, Aleksandar R. Milosavljević and Zoran Mijatović, (IOP Belgrade and SASA, Belgrade, Serbia), Poster Presentation 1.20, pp.98-101.

ISBN: 978-86-7762-600-6.

Acknowledgements: projects – MESTD RS (OI #171020).



CI19. A. R. Milosavljević, A. Domaracka, P. Rousseau and A. Giuliani,

“Highly Charged Ions Collisions with Multiply Charged Protein Anions Stored in a Linear Ion Trap”,

Proc. 27th Summer School and Int. Symp. on Physics of Ionized Gases – SPIG 2014, 26th - 29th August 2014, Belgrade, Serbia, Contributed Papers & Abstracts of Invited Lectures, Topical Invited Lectures, Progress Reports and Workshop Lectures, Editors: Dragana Marić, Aleksandar R. Milosavljević and Zoran Mijatović, (IOP Belgrade and SASA, Belgrade, Serbia), Poster Presentation 1.19, pp.94-97.

ISBN: 978-86-7762-600-6.

Acknowledgements: projects – MESTD RS (OI #171020); GANIL; ANRS #BLAN08-1_348053 and COST Actions CM1204 (XLIC) and CM1002 (nano-IBCT).



CI18. S. Vogel, J. Rackwitz, R. Schürmann, J. Prinz, A. R. Milosavljević, A. Giuliani and I. Bald,

“Determination of Sequence-Specific DNA Strand Breaks Induced By VUV Radiation Using the DNA Origami Technique”,

Proc. 27th Summer School and Int. Symp. on Physics of Ionized Gases – SPIG 2014, 26th - 29th August 2014, Belgrade, Serbia, Contributed Papers & Abstracts of Invited Lectures, Topical Invited Lectures, Progress Reports and Workshop Lectures, Editors: Dragana Marić, Aleksandar R. Milosavljević and Zoran Mijatović, (IOP Belgrade and SASA, Belgrade, Serbia), Poster Presentation 1.14, pp.74-77.

ISBN: 978-86-7762-600-6.

Acknowledgements: projects – MESTD RS (OI #171020); FP7 Integration Grant; DFG; DAAD #57055766 and COST Action CM1002 (nano-IBCT).



CI17. M. Lj. Ranković, J. Rackwitz, I. Bald and A. R. Milosavljević,

“Optimization of a Low-Energy Electron Gun by Electron Ray-Tracing Simulations”,

Proc. 27th Summer School and Int. Symp. on Physics of Ionized Gases – SPIG 2014, 26th - 29th August 2014, Belgrade, Serbia, Contributed Papers & Abstracts of Invited Lectures, Topical Invited Lectures, Progress Reports and Workshop Lectures, Editors: Dragana Marić, Aleksandar R. Milosavljević and Zoran Mijatović, (IOP Belgrade and SASA, Belgrade, Serbia), Poster Presentation 1.10, pp.58-61.

ISBN: 978-86-7762-600-6.

Acknowledgements: projects – MESTD RS (OI #171020); FP7 Integration Grant; DFG; DAAD #57055766 and COST Action CM1301 (CELINA).



CI16. A. R. Milosavljević, C. Nicolas, M. Lj. Ranković, F. Canon, C. Miron and A. Giuliani,

“N K-Shell X-Ray Tandem Mass Spectrometry of Gas-Phase Ubiquitin Protein”,

Proc. 27th Summer School and Int. Symp. on Physics of Ionized Gases – SPIG 2014, 26th - 29th August 2014, Belgrade, Serbia, Contributed Papers & Abstracts of Invited Lectures, Topical Invited Lectures, Progress Reports and Workshop Lectures, Editors: Dragana Marić, Aleksandar R. Milosavljević and Zoran Mijatović, (IOP Belgrade and SASA, Belgrade, Serbia), Poster Presentation 1.9, pp.54-57.

ISBN: 978-86-7762-600-6.

Acknowledgements: projects – MESTD RS (OI #171020); PLEIADES beamline SOLEIL proposal #20130382; ANRS #BLAN08-1_348053 and COST Actions CM1204 (XLIC) and MP1002 (nano-IBCT).



CI15. J. J. Jureta, A. R. Milosavljević and B. P. Marinković,

“High Resolution Ejected Electron Spectra of Argon at Electron Impact Energies of 303, 505, 809 and 1000 eV and Ejection Angle of 90o”,

Proc. 27th Summer School and Int. Symp. on Physics of Ionized Gases – SPIG 2014, 26th - 29th August 2014, Belgrade, Serbia, Contributed Papers & Abstracts of Invited Lectures, Topical Invited Lectures, Progress Reports and Workshop Lectures, Editors: Dragana Marić, Aleksandar R. Milosavljević and Zoran Mijatović, (IOP Belgrade and SASA, Belgrade, Serbia), Poster Presentation 1.8, pp.50-53.

ISBN: 978-86-7762-600-6.

Acknowledgements: projects – MESTD RS (OI #171020).



CI14. S. D. Tošić, V. Pejčev, D. Šević, R. P. McEachran, A. D. Stauffer and B. P. Marinković,

“Integrated Cross Sections for Electron Excitation of the 4d105p State of the Ag Atom”,

Proc. 27th Summer School and Int. Symp. on Physics of Ionized Gases – SPIG 2014, 26th - 29th August 2014, Belgrade, Serbia, Contributed Papers & Abstracts of Invited Lectures, Topical Invited Lectures, Progress Reports and Workshop Lectures, Editors: Dragana Marić, Aleksandar R. Milosavljević and Zoran Mijatović, (IOP Belgrade and SASA, Belgrade, Serbia), Poster Presentation 1.7, pp.46-49.

ISBN: 978-86-7762-600-6.

Acknowledgements: projects – MESTD RS (OI #171020) and COST Action CM1301 (CELINA).



CI13. B. P. Marinković, V. Vujčić, S. Đorđević, S. Ivanović, D. B. Marinković, D. Jevremović and N. J. Mason,

“Belgrade Electron/Molecule Database Compatible with VAMDC Project”,

Proc. 27th Summer School and Int. Symp. on Physics of Ionized Gases – SPIG 2014, 26th - 29th August 2014, Belgrade, Serbia, Contributed Papers & Abstracts of Invited Lectures, Topical Invited Lectures, Progress Reports and Workshop Lectures, Editors: Dragana Marić, Aleksandar R. Milosavljević and Zoran Mijatović, (IOP Belgrade and SASA, Belgrade, Serbia), Poster Presentation 1.6, pp.42-45.

ISBN: 978-86-7762-600-6.

Acknowledgements: projects – MESTD RS (OI #171020 and III #44002) and VAMDC consortium.



CI12. M. Z. Milošević and N. S. Simonović,

“Complex-Rotation and Wave-Packet Calculations of the Ionization Rate for Hydrogen Atom in Electric Field”,

Proc. 27th Summer School and Int. Symp. on Physics of Ionized Gases – SPIG 2014, 26th - 29th August 2014, Belgrade, Serbia, Contributed Papers & Abstracts of Invited Lectures, Topical Invited Lectures, Progress Reports and Workshop Lectures, Editors: Dragana Marić, Aleksandar R. Milosavljević and Zoran Mijatović, (IOP Belgrade and SASA, Belgrade, Serbia), Poster Presentation 1.1, pp.22-25.

ISBN: 978-86-7762-600-6.

Acknowledgements: projects – MESTD RS (OI#171020).



CI11. Bratislav P. Marinković, Dušan Vudragović, Dara B. Marinković, Stefan Đorđević, Stefan Ivanović, Milutin Nešić

“Development of collisional data-base for elementary processes of electron scattering by atoms and molecules”,

Proc. 26th International Conference on Atomic Collisions in Solids (ICACS-26), 13th – 18th JULY 2014, Debrecen, Hungary, Book of Abstracts, Editor: Attila Csík, Poster presentation P25, pp.61-62.

ISBN: 978-963-08-9865-2, (ATOMKI, Institute for Nuclear Research, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Debrecen, Hungary).

Acknowledgements: projects – MESTD RS (OI #171020), Bilateral project between Germany (DAAD ID 54394840) and Serbia (#680-00-00095/2012-09/9) and COST Action MP1002 (nanoIBCT).



CI10. J. B. Maljković, M. Lj Ranković, R. J. Bereczky, B. P. Marinković, K. Tőkési, A. R. Milosavljević,

“Electron transmission through a metallic capillary”,

Proc. 26th International Conference on Atomic Collisions n Solids (ICACS-26), 13th – 18th July 2014, Debrecen, Hungary, Book of Abstracts, Editor: Attila Csík, Poster presentation P23, p.59.

ISBN: 978-963-08-9865-2, (ATOMKI, Institute for Nuclear Research, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Debrecen, Hungary).

Acknowledgements: projects – MESTD RS (OI #171020), Hungarian Research fund OTKA (#NN103279), Bilateral Co-operation Program between the Hungarian and Serbian Academies through project Interactions of charge particles with single insulating capillaries and COST Action CM1204 (XLIC).



CI09. Bratislav P. Marinković, Jozo J. Jureta, Aleksandar R. Milosavljević,

“Ejected electron spectra from autoionization region in neon at incident electron energy of 505 eV and ejection angles of 40° and 130°”,

Proc. 6th Conference on Elementary Processes in Atomic Systems – CEPAS 2014, 9th - 12th July 2014, Bratislava, Slovakia, Contributed Papers, Editors: Štefan Matejčík, Peter Papp and Ondrej Bogár, pp.63-64.

ISBN: 987-80-8147-021-9, (Comenius University, Faculty of mathematics physics and informatics, Bratislava, Slovakia).



CI08. R. Banjanac, V. Udovičić, J. Filipović, D. Joković, D. Maletić, M. Savić, N. Veselinović, P. Kolarž, A. Dragić,

“Relation between Daily Gamma-Ray Background and Radon Variability in the Underground Low-Level Laboratory in Belgrade”

The Second International Conference on Radiation and Dosymetry in Various Fields of Research (RAD 2014), May 27-30, 2014, Niš, Serbia, Proceedings, editor Goran Ristić, Poster session RAD 2014: Radiation measurements, pp. 99-101, RL21.

ISBN 978-86-6125-101-6, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, University of Niš.



CI07. J. Vaupotič, M. Bezek, P. Kolarž, I. Kobal, Z. S. Žunić,

“Impact of Concentration and Size Distribution of Nano Particles (5–1100 Nm) on the Fraction of Unattached Radon Progeny in Dwelling Environment”

The Second East European Radon Symposium (SEERAS), May 27-30, 2014, Niš, Serbia, Book of Abstracts, editor Goran Ristić, Poster session SEERAS 2014: Indoor Rn and Tn, p.50, SC7.

ISBN 978-86-6125-100-9, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, University of Niš



CI06. Z. Ćurguz, Z. Stojanovska, T. Ishikawa, Y. Omori, R. Mishra, R. Prajith, B.K. Sapra, Y. S. Mayya, F. Bochicchio, C. Carpentieri, T. Tollefsen, P. Jovanovič, G. Venoso, P. Kolarž, P. Bossew, Z. S. Zunić,

“Variability of Radon and Thoron Equilibrium Factors Close to the Wall in Indoor Environments of Banja Luka City (Republika Srpska)”

The Second East European Radon Symposium (SEERAS), May 27-30, 2014, Niš, Serbia, Book of Abstracts, editor Goran Ristić, Poster session SEERAS 2014: Indoor Rn and Tn, p.43, SC2.

ISBN 978-86-6125-100-9, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, University of Niš



CI05. Z. Ćurguz, Z. Stojanovska, P. Ujić, L. Nađđerđ, T. Tollefsen, J. Vaupotič, P. Kolarž, F. Bochicchio, C. Carpentieri, G. Venoso, R. Mishra, R. Prajith, B. K. Sapra, Y. S. Mayya, T. Ischikawa, Y. Omori, D. Nikezić, P. Bossew, Z. S. Žunić,

“Assessment of Nuclear Track Detectors Exposure in Schools of Banja Luka City, Republic of Srpska”

The Second East European Radon Symposium (SEERAS), May 27-30, 2014, Niš, Serbia, Book of Abstracts, editor Goran Ristić, Poster session SEERAS 2014: Indoor Rn and Tn, p.42, SC1.

ISBN 978-86-6125-100-9, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, University of Niš



CI04. P. Kolarž, J. Vaupotič, I. Kobal, Z. S. Žunić,

“Complex Radon-Thoron Study in Dwellings in Sokobanja (Southern Serbia)”

The Second East European Radon Symposium (SEERAS), May 27-30, 2014, Niš, Serbia, Book of Abstracts, editor Goran Ristić, Oral session SEERAS 2014: Indoor Rn and Tn regarding different issues, p.39.

ISBN 978-86-6125-100-9, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, University of Niš



CI03. P. Bossew, Z. S. Žunić, C. Carpentieri, N. Veselinović, G. Venoso, T. Tollefsen, S. Antignani, P. Kolarž, V.Udovičić, R. Banjanac, F. Bochicchio,

Relation Between Radon in Schools and in Dwellings: A Case Study in a Rural Region of Southern Serbia – The “Onion Study”

The Second East European Radon Symposium (SEERAS), May 27-30, 2014, Niš, Serbia, Book of Abstracts, editor Goran Ristić, Oral session RAD 2014: Indoor Rn and Tn, p.33

ISBN 978-86-6125-100-9, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, University of Niš



CI02. F. Canon, A. Milosavljevic, P. Sarni-Manchad, V. Cheynier, G.Van Der Rest, M. Refregiers, L. Nahon, A. Giuliani,

“Localization of the tannin-binding site on the salivary PRP IB5”,

Proc. 10th European Symposium on Saliva – 2014, May 14-17, 2014, Egmond aan Zee, the Netherlands.

ISBN: N/A, ACTA Amsterdam, the Netherlands.



CI01. Aleksandar R. Milosavljević, Jelena B. Maljković, Réka J. Bereczky, Miloš Lj. Ranković, Bratislav P. Marinković and Károly Tőkési,

“Transport of electrons through a long metallic microcapillary: characterization of the outgoing low-energy electron beam”,

Proc. The First Annual Meeting of COST Action CM1301 (CELINA), 19th - 22nd March 2014, Erlangen, Germany, Book of Abstracts, Eds. Hubertus Marbach and Petra Swiderek, Poster presentation P22, p.47.

Acknowledgements: grants – MES RS OI # 171020; Hungarian SRF OTKA No. NN 103279, and by the Bilateral Cooperation Program between the Hungarian and Serbian Academies.

ISBN: N/A, University of Erlangen, Erlangen, Germany




Contributed Papers and Abstracts at National Conferences


CN01. Dragutin Šević, Maja Rabasović, Mladen Franko, Mira Terzić, Bratislav Marinković,

“Analiza optičkih osobina i mogućnosti detekcije pigmenata cijanobakterija”

7. radionica fotonika 2014. Zbornik radova, Kopaonik, 10 – 14.03.2014. Urednici: A. Kovačević, D. Lukić, Oral presentation, p.29.

ISBN 978-86-82441-39-7






PhD2. Zoran Ćurguz, PMF, Univ. Kragujevac

“Merenje i analiza koncentracije radona pasivnom i aktivnom metodom na podrucju Banja Luke”

“Measurements and analysis of radon concentration at the region of Banja Luka using passive and active methods” (in Serbian)

PhD Thesis, Faculty of Sciences, University of Kragujevac, 19.09.2014. [pages 150]

Supervisors: Dr. Predrag Kolarž, IPB, Prof. Dr. D. Nikezic, UKg

Jury: Dr. Zora Zunic, INN Vinca


PhD1. (M71=6) Nenad Milojević, PMF, Univ. Niš

“Preraspodelni procesi u brzim jon-atomskim sudarima”

“Rearrangement processes in fast ion-atom collisions” (in Serbian)

PhD Thesis, Faculty of Sciences, University of Niš, 23.01.2014. [pages 114]

Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Ivan Mančev, PMF

Jury: Profs. N. Nedeljković, T. Grozdanov, and M. Nikolić



Other publications


SOLEIL highlights 2013:

“Synchrotron radiation – tandem mass spectrometry for proteomic and structural biology” pp.60-61. Booklet p.62

Nanosolvatation-induced stabilization of a protonated peptide dimer isolated in the gas phase” pp.86-87. Booklet p.88 –Corresponding author A.R. Milosavljevic, IPB


A.R. Milosavljević,

“100 godina kristalografije”

Mladi fizičar 115, 14-17 (2014) tema broja.


P. Grujić,

“Astronomy and mythology”

Proc. XVII National Conference of Astronomers of Serbia, Belgrade, 23-27 Sept. 2014, Invited Lecture, Abstracts, p.17.


Petar Grujić,

“Scaling Down the Space”

Epistemologie française/French epistemology, Eds. Ivan Vukovic et Arnaud François

ISBN: 978-86-88803-90-8


Petar Grujić,

“Platonovo nasledje”

Zbornik 8. naučni skup s medjunarodnim ucešćem: Antika i savremeni svet: Tumacenje antike, Društvo za antičke studije Srbije.





E02. Duška Popović, Radoš Gajić and Radmila Panajotović

Proc. 4th International School and Conference on Photonics (PHOTONICA'13),

Phys. Scr. T162, 010301 (2014) [preface]


2017: (M18=2)


E01. Dragana Marić, Aleksandar R. Milosavljević and Zoran Mijatović,

Proc. 27th Summer School and Int. Symp. on Physics of Ionized Gases – SPIG 2014, 26th - 29th August 2014, Belgrade, Serbia, Contributed Papers & Abstracts of Invited Lectures, Topical Invited Lectures, Progress Reports and Workshop Lectures, (IOP Belgrade and SASA, Belgrade, Serbia), i-xxv, pp.1-553 + iii.

ISBN: 978-86-7762-600-6.

Also: J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 565 011001 (2014) [preface]


2017: (M18=2)






SEMINARS in 2014:


05.12.2014. Violeta Petrović and Tatjana Miladinović, PMF, University of Kragujevac

“Tunnel and multiphoton ionization of atomic systems by ultra short laser pulses”

Тунелна и мултифотонска јонизација атомских система ултракратким ласерским импулсима

Seminar of the project #OI 171020 at IPB


20.11.2014. Lorenzo Avaldi, CNR-Istituto di Struttura della Materia, Italy

“Spectroscopy and dynamics of molecules of biological interest”

IPB colloquium Research projects of particular relevance selected within the frame of the executive programme of scientific and technological cooperation between Italian Republic and Republic of Serbia 2014 – 2015 – Research area: Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology Nanoscale insights in radiation damage”.


01.10.2014. Aleksandar R. Milosavljević, IPB

“VUV and soft X-ray action spectroscopy of biopolymers stored in a linear ion trap”,

Seminar at Universität Potsdam, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät, Institut für Chemie/Physikalische Chemie (UPPC) under the bilateral project Serbia - DAAD 2014-2015: “The study of DNA radiation damage on the molecular level


19.09.2014. Aleksandar R. Milosavljević, IPB

“Electron spectroscopy of biomolecules of relevance for radiation damage”

Seminar at the Istituto di Structtura della Materia, Rome under the project OI#171020 and the strategic project Serbia – Italia, 2014 – 2015 “Nanoscale insights in radiation damage”


18.09.2014. Aleksandar R. Milosavljević, IPB

“VUV and soft X-Ray action spectroscopy of biopolymers stored in a linear ion trap”

Seminar at the Istituto di Structtura della Materia, Rome under the project OI#171020 and the strategic project Serbia – Italia, 2014 – 2015 “Nanoscale insights in radiation damage”


16.07.2014. Nenad Simonović, IPB

Numeričke simulacije procesa u atomskoj fizici

Predavanje na 4. naučnom i edukativnom kampu "Mihajlo Idvorski Pupin", 11-19 jula 2014. u Idvoru sa temom Kompjuterske simulacije u fizici.


16.06.2014. Miloš Ranković, IPB

“Action spectroscopy of biomolecules in traps” (in Serbian)

“Akciona spektroskopja biomolekula u zamci”

Seminar povodom izbora u zvanje istraživača saradnika - projekat 171020.


02.06.2014. Aleksandar R. Milosavljević, IPB

Nanosolvation of biomolecules probed by VUV action spectroscopy”

Seminar at Synchrotron SOLEIL


30.04.2014. Sanja Tošić, IPB

“Electron and photon interactions with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and halogenated pyrimidine – Co-operation with CNR-IMIP, Italy” (in Serbian)

“Interakcije elektrona i fotona sa policikličnim aromatičnim ugljovodonicima i halogenim derivatima pirimidina - Saradanja sa institutom CNR-IMIP, Italija”

Seminar at the IPB under the project OI#171020 and the strategic project Serbia – Italia, 2014 – 2015 “Nanoscale insights in radiation damage”


27.03.2014. Nenad Simonović, IPB

Сто година Боровог модела

Предавање – Бански двор, храм културе, Бања Лука





FUNDAMENTAL RESEARCH PROJECT, Ministry of Education and Science, Republic of Serbia, #OI 171020 (2011-2015):

Physics of collisions and photo processes in atomic, (bio)molecular and nanosized systems

Физика судара и фотопроцеса у атомским, (био)молекулским и нанодимензионим системима

principal investigator: B. P. Marinković (IPB)



COST/ESF Projects:


FA0906 “UV-B radiation: A specific regulator of plant growth and food quality in a changing climate” (acronym: UV4growth) Entry into force: 13/01/2010 End of Action: 07/04/2014.

(P=5) Management Committee members from Serbia: Dr. Dragutin Šević (IPB) and Dr. Sonja Veljović-Jovanović (IMR).

(P=2) participants: B. P. Marinković (IPB), Predrag Kolarž (IPB), Maja Rabasović (IPB).


MP1002 “Nano-scale insights in ion beam cancer therapy” (Nano-IBCT) CSO Entry into force: 25/08/2010 End of Action 24/05/2014.

(P=5) Management Committee members from Serbia: Dr. Aleksandar Milosavljević (IPB) and Dr. Zorica Juranić (IOR).

(P=2) participants: B. P. Marinković (IPB), Sanja Tošić (IPB), Jelena Maljković (IPB)


MP1006 “Fundamental Problems in Quantum Physics” CSO Entry into force: 21/01/2011; End of Action 10/04/2015.

(P=2) participants: Duška Popović (IPB)


CM1204 “XUV/X-ray light and fast ions for ultrafast chemistry (XLIC)” CSO Entry into force: 21/11/2012; End of Action 20/11/2016.

(P=5) Management Committee members from Serbia: Dr. Nenad Simonović (IPB) and Prof. Dr. Dragana Milić (HF).

(P=2) participants: B. P. Marinković (IPB), Aleksandar Milosavljević (IPB), Miloš Ranković (IPB)


CM1301 “Chemistry for Electron-Induced Nanofabrication (CELINA)” CSO Approval date: 16/05/2013, End of Action: 15/05/2017.

(P=5) Management Committee members from Serbia: Dr. Aleksandar Milosavljević (IPB) and Dr. Sanja Korica (INN “Vinca”)

(P=2) participants: Jozo Jureta (IPB), Sanja Tošić (IPB), Jelena Maljković (IPB), Miloš Ranković (IPB).

Action rapporteur: B. P. Marinković (IPB).





Republic of Serbia – Republic of Slovenia 2014 – 2015, project #30:

Non-contact observation of laser-induced breakdown and fluorescence in different materials

Bezkontaktno praćenje laserski indukovanog proboja i laserski indukovane fluorescencije u različitim materijalima

(P=2) principal investigators: Dr. Maja S. Rabasović (IPB) and Dr. Peter Gregorčič (ULj)

(P=1) participants: Dr. Dragutin Šević (IPB), Dr. Bratislav. Marinković (IPB) and Prof. Dr. Mira Terzić (UNS);

        (ULj: Janez Možina, Full Professor, Darja Horvat, PhD assistant, Janez Križan, Researcher).


Republic of Serbia – Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst-DAAD 2014-2015:

The study of DNA radiation damage on the molecular level

(P=2) principal investigators: Dr. Aleksandar Milosavljević (IPB) and Prof. Dr. Ilko BALD (Univ. Potsdam)

(P=1) participants: Jelena Maljković (IPB), Miloš Ranković (IPB) and Aleksandar Matković (IPB).


University of Belgrade – Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin 2014 – 2016:

Thema 5: “Interaction and Decay Mechanisms Following Ultrashort Phenomena in Atoms and Molecules

(P=2) principal investigators: Dr. B. P. Marinković (IPB) and PD Dr. Alejandro Saenz (HU).


Prilog EVRONET-a, 9.januar 2014. - u emisiji govori dr Aleksandar Milosavljević (IPB)

Obrazovanje i nauka:

Program „Pavle Savić” – deset godina francusko-srpske naučne saradnje


Republic of Serbia-JINR Russia collaboration program

(P=1) participants: T. Grozdanov (IPB).


Republic of Serbia- France, CNRS Program 2013-2014:

Coherent Optics of Matter Waves

Koherentna optika talasa materije

(MESTD RS # 337-00-34/2013-09/02)

(P=2) principal investigators: Prof. J. Baudon (Univ. Paris 13) and Prof. V. Bočvarski (UKg).


Republic of Serbia – Hungary, (Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts & Hungarian Academy of Sciences) 2013-2015:

Interactions of charge particles with single insulating capillaries”,

(P=2) principal investigators: Prof. Dr. Károly Tőkési (HAS) and Dr. A. R. Milosavljević (IPB).

(P=1) participants: B. P. Marinković (IPB), Jozo Jureta (IPB), Jelena Maljković (IPB) Duško Borka (INN Vinca).


Republic of Serbia – Italia, 2014 – 2015:

Research projects of particular relevance selected within the frame of the executive programme of scientific and technological cooperation between Italian Republic and Republic of Serbia – Research area: Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology

“Nanoscale insights in radiation damage”

(P=2) principal investigators: Dr. Lorenzo Avaldi (CNR – Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Roma, Istituto di Metodologie Inorganiche e dei Plasmi – IMIP) and Dr. B. P. Marinković (IPB).

(P=1) participants: Jozo Jureta (IPB), D. Šević (IPB), A. R. Milosavljević (IPB), S. Tošić (IPB), M. Ranković (IPB).



National INNOVATION Projects:


“A module for automatic control of micro-climate and UV exposure of seedlings in greenhouse – UV radiation for plant growth”

Модул за аутоматску контролу климе и излагање садница у пластеницима УВ зрачењу - УВ зрачење за раст биљака

No.166, Кристал ИНФИЗ д.о.о.,  Field: Biotechnology, food and agriculture.

(P=?) principal investigators: Dr. Predrag Kolarž





A. R. Milosavljevic at SOLEIL: DESIRS beamline, SOLEIL, France (2014), principal investigator; PLEIADES beamline, SOLEIL, France (2014),


“Energy flow in halogenated pyrimidines studied by site- and state-selective fragmentation”

Proposal 20135431, Beamline GASPHASE Elettra synchrotrone Trieste. Principal Investigator: Paola Bolognesi

(P=1) participants: S. Tošić (IPB).










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