(in reversed chronological order)


Dušan M. Filipovic



I. Edited Works

II. Invited Talks at International Conferences

III. Invited Talks at National Conferences

IV. Papers and Letters (Refereed)

V. Contributed Papers and Abstracts at International Conferences

VI. Contributed Papers and Abstracts at National Conferences

VII Theses

VIII Other published contributions

IX Books refereed




I. Edited Works

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II. Invited Talks at International Conferences

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IT10. P.M. Kolarž, B.P. Marinković and †D.M. Filipović,

“Air ions to radon transfer”,

Proc. The 6th Conference on Protection against Radon at Home and at Work, 13-17 September 2010 Prague, Section: Radon - information carrier, radonometry, radon as a tracer gas, Progress Report, p.66.


IT9. B. P. Marinković, S. D. Tošić, M. S. Rabasović, D. Šević, V. Pejčev, B.Predojević and D. M. Filipović,

 “Measurements of Electron Interactions with Metal Vapour Atoms”,

Proc. 2nd Meeting on Electron Controlled Chemical Lithography (ECCL 2009), 4 – 9 June 2009, Sabanı Üniversitesi, Istanbul, Turkey, Abstract Booklet, Oral Presentation, p.34.


IT8. B. P. Marinković, V. Pejčev, D. M. Filipović, D. Šević, A. R. Milosavljević, S. Milisavljević, M. S. Rabasović, D. Pavlović and J. B. Maljković,

 “Cross section data for electron collisions in plasma physics”,

Proc. 5th EU-Japan Joint Symposium on Plasma Processing (Radicals and Non-Equilibrium Processes in Low-Temperature Plasmas), 7 – 9 March 2007, Belgrade, Serbia, Abstracts of Invited Lectures, Progress Reports and Contributed Papers, Eds. Z. Lj. Petrović, N. Mason, S. Hamaguchi, M. Radmilović-Radjenović, (Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Institute of Physics: Belgrade, 2007) Invited Lecture p.I-12.

Published in Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 86, 012006 (2007).

            doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/86/1/012006


IT7. B. P. Marinković, F. Blanco, V. Pejčev, D. M. Filipović, G. García, D. Šević, D. Pavlović and N. J. Mason,

 “Elastic electron scattering by amino acids: glycine and alanine”,

Proc. The Second Annual Meeting of ESF Programme on ‘Electron Induced Processing at the Molecular Level’ (EIPAM06), 16 – 20 Sept. 2006, Valletta, Malta, Invited Lecture.


IT6. B.P. Marinković, D.M. Filipović, V. Pejčev, D. Šević, A. R. Milosavljević, D. Pavlović,

Elastic and inelastic electron scattering by biomolecules - the first step towards understanding of basic interactions”,

Progress Report at WG1 Meeting of COST Action P9, 23 – 26 Feb. 2006. Lisbon, Portugal.


IT5. B.P. Marinković, D.M. Filipović, V. Pejčev, D. Šević, S. Milisavljević, B. Predojević, M. Pardjovska,

 “Electron collisions by metal atom vapours”,

Progress Report at CEPAS 2005 Conference (3rd Conf. on Elementary Processes in Atomic Systems), 31 Aug. - 2 Sept. 2005. University of Miskolc, Hungary, Book of Abstracts I-19.


IT4. B. P. Marinković, D. M. Filipović, V. Pejčev, D. Šević, A. R. Milosavljević, D. Pavlović, S. Milisavljević, P. Kolarž and M. Pardjovska,

 “Low Energy Interactions with Bio-Molecules”,

Proc. XXIV ICPEAC Int. Conf. Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions, 20 – 26 July, 2005, Progress Report, Rosario, Argentina.

Published in Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions, Eds. P D Fainstein, M A P Lima, J E Miraglia, E C Montenegro and R D Rivarola, World Scientific 2006, pp. 336 – 342, ISBN 981-270-412-4.

doi: 10.1142/9789812772442_0043


IT3. B. P. Marinković, D. M. Filipović, J. Jureta, V. Pejčev, D. Šević, M.-J. Hubin-Franskin, A. Giuliani, A. R. Milosavljević, P. Kolarž, S. Milisavljević, M. Pardjovska, D. Pavlović and N. J. Mason

 “Electron Interaction with Small and `Little Larger` Molecules”,

in Abstracts of RADAM Conference (RAdiation DAMage in Biomolecular Systems), 24 – 27 June 2004, Lyon, France, Working – Group invited talk, COST action P9, Ed. M. Farizon, Abstract S1_2.


IT02. D. M. Filipović and B. P. Marinković,

“Completing of electron-atom scattering picture for argon and the rare gases”,

in “The Physics of Ionized Gases” (20th Symposium on Physics of Ionized Gases ­ SPIG'2000), 4 – 8, Sept. 2000, Zlatibor, Yugoslavia, Eds. N. Konjević, Z. Lj. Petrović and G. Malović, (Institute of Physics; Faculty of Physics; Institute of Nuclear Sciences “Vinča”; Belgrade, 2001) Invited Lectures, pp.41 – 60

Also reference: “Sveske fizičkih nauka” – SFIN year XIV Series A: Conferences No.A1 (Institute of Physics, Belgrade, 2001) 41 – 60


IT01. B. Marinković, R. Panajotović, Z. D. Pešić and D. M. Filipović,

“Electron scattering by atoms and stepwise electron laser excitation”,

in Proc. Int. Conf. "The Centenary of the Electron", Uzhgorod, Ukraine, (Institute of Electron Physics, Uzhgorod, 1997), pp.77-82 [ ]




III. Invited Talks at National Conferences

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NT08. Dušan M. Filipović,

Magnetna zamka i molekulski spektri u ogledima podržanim Teslinim otkrićima”,

U monografiji “Sećanje na Nikolu Teslu”, 10. juli 2007. Beograd, Uređivački odbor: A. Marinčić, M. Jevtić, M. Vukobratović, M- Milinović, (Udruženje univerzitetskih profesora i naučnika Srbije, Beograd, 2007) str.69-72. (ISBN 978-86-910313-0-5)


NT07. P. Kolarž, B. P. Marinković, D. M. Filipović and A. Stamatović,

“Instruments for UV radiation measurement”,

in Proc. 2nd Symposium "Sun protection - fashion or necessity?" VMA, Belgrade, 6 – 7 Jun 2002, CD of Abstracts, Ed. Z. Nidžović, p.6 (in Serbian)

Also: Arhiv za farmaciju 52 (5-6) 128-136 (2002). ISSN: 0004-1963


NT06. B. P. Marinković, D. M. Filipović, D. Šević, V. Bočvarski, M. Terzić, D. D. Markušev, and D. Belić,

“Atomic and Molecular Physics”,

Abstract in Proc. "Applied Physics in Serbia - APS" Belgrade 2002, Eds. S. Koički, N. Konjević, Z. Lj. Petrović and Dj. Bek-Uzarov, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Scientific Meetings Vol.XCVIII, Dept. of Mathematics, Physics and Geo-Sciences, Book 2/1, pp.25-6 (YU ISSN: 1451-2025)

Full contribution in Proc. "Applied Physics in Serbia" Belgrade 2002, Eds. S. Koički, N. Konjević, Z. Lj. Petrović and Dj. Bek-Uzarov, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Vol. CIV, book 2/2, Belgrade (2003) pp. 191-207. (ISBN: 86-7025-391-4)


NT05. †M. V. Kurepa and D. M. Filipović,

“Experimental investigations of atomic energy levels and quantum transitions between them”,

in Epoch of the guantum - 100 years since the discovery of the quantum of energy, (Scientific meetings of the Scrbian Academy of Sciences and Arts), Book XCIX, Department of mathematics, physics and geo-sciences, Book 3, Belgrade, pp. 31 - 50 (2002).


NT04. D. M. Filipović,

“Elastic electron scattering by atoms and molecules”,

in Interaction of Low-energy Electrons, Symposium Electron - The Centenary of the Discovery, Vol.4, Ed. M. Kurepa, (Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Belgrade, 1997) pp.101-140 (in Serbian)


NT03. B. Marinković, Z. D. Pešić, R. Panajotović and D. M. Filipović,

“Electron collision experiments on excited atoms”,

in The World of Quanta, ed. R. Antanasijevic, (Institute of Physics, Belgrade, 1996) pp. 29-37 (in Serbian)


NT02. D.Filipović,

“Polarization of light and electron beams”,

Proc. of Physics Teachers Seminar, (Serbian Physical Society, Novi Sad, 1996), pp. 113-118 (in Serbian)


NT01. D.Filipović,

 Physical experiments for preschool children,

Invited lecture, "Natural sciences in Preschool and Early Elementary Education" (1988), p.49-55 (in Serbian)





IV. Papers and Letters (Refereed)

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P44. B. Predojević, V. Pejčev, †D. M. Filipović, D. Šević, B. Tomčik and B. P. Marinković,

“Electron Impact excitation of the 3s3p 3P state of magnesium from the ground state”,

J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 44, 055208 (2011) [6 pages].

doi: 10.1088/0953-4075/44/5/055208


P43. P. M. Kolarž, D. M. Filipović, and B. P. Marinković,

“Daily variations of indoor air-ion and radon concentrations”

Applied Radiation and Isotopes 67(11) 2062 – 2067 (2009).



P42. S. D. Tošić, V. I. Kelemen, D. Šević, V. Pejčev, D. M. Filipović, E. Yu. Remeta and B. P. Marinković,

“Elastic electron scattering by silver atom”,

Nucl. Instrum. and Meth. in Phys. Res. B 267(2) 283 – 287 (2009).

DOI: 10.1016/j.nimb.2008.10.060


P41. M. S. Rabasović, S. D. Tošić, D. Šević, V. Pejčev, D. M. Filipović and B. P. Marinković,

“Electron-impact excitation of the 6s 2S1/2 state of In atom at small scattering angles”,

Nucl. Instrum. and Meth. in Phys. Res. B 267(2) 279 – 282 (2009).

DOI: 10.1016/j.nimb.2008.10.056


P40. M. S. Rabasović, S. D. Tošić, V. Pejčev, D. Šević, D. M. Filipović and B. P. Marinković,

“Volume correction factor in electron-indium atom scattering experiments”,

Facta Universitatis, Series Phys. Chem. Technol. 6(1) 119 – 125 (2008).

DOI 10.2298/FUPCT0801119R

ISSN: 0354 – 4656


P39. Predrag Kolarž, and Dušan Filipović,

“Measurements and correlations between several atmospheric parameters”,

Facta Universitatis, Series Phys. Chem. Technol. 6, (1), 99 – 104 (2008).

DOI 10.2298/FUPCT0801099K

ISSN: 0354 – 4656


P38. B. P. Marinković, F. Blanco, D. Šević, V. Pejčev, G. García, D. M. Filipović, D. Pavlović, and N. J. Mason,

“Elastic scattering of electrons from alanine”,

Int. J. Mass Spectrom. 277 300 – 304 (2008).

Volume 277, Issues 1-3, Pages 1-320 (1 November 2008), Electron-induced atomic and molecular processes: A special issue honoring Eugen Illenberger on his 65th birthday, Edited by Ilya Fabrikant, Tilmann Märk and Petra Swiderek


P37. M. S. Rabasović, V. I. Kelemen, S. D. Tošić, D. Šević, Ì. Ì. Dovhanych, V. Pejčev,

D. M. Filipović, E. Yu. Remeta and B. P. Marinković,

“Experimental and theoretical study of the elastic electron-indium atom scattering in the intermediate energy range”,

Phys. Rev. A 77 062713 (2008). (11 pages)
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevA.77.062713


P36. B. P. Marinković, D. M. Filipović, V. Pejčev and D. Šević,

“Electron-impact excitations of the autoionizing states of bismuth”,

Int. J. Mass Spectrom. 271(1-3) 76-79 (2008).



P35. S. D. Tošić, M. S. Rabasović, D. Šević, V. Pejčev, D. M. Filipović, Lalita Sharma, A. N. Tripathi, Rajesh Srivastava, and B. P. Marinković,

“Elastic electron scattering by a Pb atom”,

Phys. Rev. A 77 012725 (2008). (8 pages)

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.77.012725


P34. B. Predojević, V. Pejčev, D. M. Filipović, D. Šević and B. P. Marinković,

“Electron scattering by magnesium: excitation of the 3s4s 1S0, 3s3d 1D2 and 3s4p 1P1 states”,

J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 41, 015202 (2008) (10 pages).



P33. B. P. Marinković, A. R. Milosavljević, J. B. Maljković, D. Šević, B. A. Petruševski, D. Pavlović, D. M. Filipović, M. Terzić and V. Pejčev,

“Optical and Electron Spectrometry of Molecules of Biological Interest”,

Acta Physica Polonica A 112(5) 1145-1150 (2007).

Proceedings of the International School and Conference on Optics and Optical Materials, ISCOM07, September 3-7, 2007, Belgrade, Serbia. ISSN: 0001-673X


P32. S. Milisavljević, M. S. Rabasović, D. Šević, V. Pejčev, D. M. Filipović, Lalita Sharma, Rajesh Srivastava, A. D. Stauffer, and B. P. Marinković,

“Excitation of the 6p7s 3P0,1 states of Pb atom by electron impact: Differential and integrated cross sections”,

Phys. Rev. A 76 022714 (2007). (5 pages)



P31. S. Milisavljević, M. S. Rabasović, D. Šević, V. Pejčev, D. M. Filipović, Lalita Sharma, Rajesh Srivastava, A. D. Stauffer, and B. P. Marinković,

“Electron-impact excitation of the 6p7s 3P1 state of Pb atom at small scattering angles”,

Phys. Rev. A 75 052713 (2007). (6 pages)



P30. B. Predojević, V. Pejčev, D. M. Filipović, D. Šević and B. P. Marinković,

“Elastic electron scattering by magnesium atom”,

J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 40(10) 1853-1861 (2007).



P29. B. P. Marinković, V. Pejčev, D. M. Filipović, D. Šević, S. Milisavljević, B. Predojević,

“Electron collisions by metal atom vapours”,                                                 

Rad. Phys. Chem. 76(3) 455-460 (2007).

Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Elementary Processes in Atomic Systems



P28. H Cho, R P McEachran, S J Buckman, D M Filipović, V Pejčev, B P Marinković, H Tanaka, A D Stauffer and E C Jung,

“Absorption effects in intermediate energy elastic electron scattering from xenon”,

J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 39(18) 3781-3790 (2006).


The article has been chosen by IoP Editors for its novelty, significance and potential impact on future research


P27. D M Filipović, B Predojević, V Pejčev, D Šević, B P Marinković, Rajesh Srivastava and A. D. Stauffer,

“Electron scattering by magnesium: Excitation of the 3s3p 1P1 state”,

J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 39(11) 2583-2592 (2006).



P26. D M Filipović, B Predojević, D Šević, V Pejčev, B P Marinković, Rajesh Srivastava and A. D. Stauffer,

“Electron-impact excitation of the 3s3p 1P1 state of magnesium: Electron scattering at small angles”,

Int. J. Mass Spectrom. 251 66-75 (2006).



P25. B Predojević, D Šević, V Pejčev, B P Marinković and D M Filipović,

“Electron scattering by ytterbium: II. Excitation of the 4f14(6s6p 3P1, 5d6s 1D2 and 6s7p 1P1) and 4f135d6s2 (7/2,5/2)1 states”,

J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 38(19) 3489-3501 (2005).





P24. P. Kolarž, J. Šekarić, B.P. Marinković and D.M. Filipović,

“Correlation between some of meteorological parameters measured during the partial solar eclipse, 11th August 1999”,

Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 67(14) 1357-1364 (2005).


ISSN: 1364-6826


P23. Dmitry V. Fursa, Igor Bray, and R. Panajotović, D. Šević, V. Pejčev, D. M. Filipović and B. P. Marinković,

“Excitations of 1P levels of zinc by electron impact on the ground state”,

Phys. Rev. A 72 012706 (2005) 9 pages.



P22. S Milisavljević, D Šević, R K Chauhan, V Pejčev, D M Filipović, R Srivastava and B P Marinković,

“Differential and integrated cross sections for the elastic electron scattering by calcium atom”,

J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 38 (14) 2371 – 2384 (2005).



P21. A R Milosavljević, V I Kelemen, D M Filipović, S M Kazakov, V Pejčev, D Šević and B P Marinković,

“Elastic scattering of electrons by krypton in the energy range 20–260 eV”,

J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 38 (13) 2195 – 2210 (2005).



P20. P. Kolarž, B. P. Marinković, and D. M. Filipović,

“Zeroing and testing units developed for Gerdien atmospheric ion detectors”,

Rev. Sci. Instrum. 76 046107 (2005) (3 pages).



P19. B Predojević, D Šević, V Pejčev, B P Marinković and D M Filipović,  

“Electron scattering by ytterbium: I. Excitation of the 4f146s6p 1P1 resonance state and elastic collision”,

J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 38 (8) 1329 – 1340 (2005).



P18. B. Predojević, D. Šević, V. Pejčev, B. P. Marinković and D. M. Filipović,

Electron energy-loss spectroscopy of autoionizing states of zinc”,

Serbian Astronomical Journal 169, 53 – 58 (2004).



P17. S Milisavljević, D Šević, V Pejčev, D M Filipović and B P Marinković,

Differential and integrated cross sections for the electron excitation of the 41P0 state of calcium atom”,

J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 37 (18) 3571-3581 (2004).



P16. R. Panajotović, D. Šević, V. Pejčev, D. M. Filipović and B. P. Marinković,

“The 1S – 1P electron excitations of Zn at small scattering angles”,

Int. J. Mass Spectrom. 233 (1-3) 253 – 257 (2004).



P15. B Predojević, D Šević, V Pejčev, B P Marinković and D M Filipović,

“Electron-impact excitation of the (n-1)d9ns2np autoionising states of cadmium (n=5) and zinc (n=4)”,

J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 36 (11) 2371 – 2383 (2003).

doi: 10.1088/0953-4075/36/11/319


P14. D. M. Filipović, B. P. Marinković, V. Pejčev and L. Vušković,

Electron impact excitation of argon II. The lowest resonance 4s'[3/2]1 and metastable 4s[3/2]2 and 4s'[1/2]0 states”,

J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 33 (14) 2081-94 (2000).



P13. D. M. Filipović, B. P. Marinković, V. Pejčev and L. Vušković, 

Electron impact excitation of argon I. The 4s'[1/2]1, 4p[1/2]1 and 4p'[1/2]0 states”,

J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 33 (4) 677-691 (2000).



P12. B. Marinković, R. Panajotović, Z. D. Pešić, D. M. Filipović, Z. Felfli and M. S. Msezane

“Normalization of the measured relative electron differential cross sections for 2 1Σ+ and 1Π states of N2O”,

J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 32 (8) 1949-57 (1999).



P11. B. Marinković, Z. D. Pešić, R. Panajotović and D. M. Filipović, Z. Felfli and A. Z. Msezane   

“Electron Excitation of the 1Π and 21Σ+ States of N2O”

Balkan Physics Letters 6 (1998) 101-5


P10. R. Panajotović, D. M. Filipović, B. Marinković, V. Pejčev, M. Kurepa and L. Vušković,

“Critical minima in elastic electron scattering by argon”,

J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 30 (24) 5877-94 (1997).



P9. D.Filipovic, D.Belic and Z.Gagic-Filipovic,

"Analytical fitting of the SO2 air pollution in Belgrade city", (Original scientific paper),

Ekologija 31 (1996) 159-164


P8. R. Panajotović, V. Pejčev, M. Konstantinović, D. Filipović, V. Bočvarski and B. Marinković,

“Elastic and inelastic electron scattering by mercury”,

J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 26 (5) 1005-24 (1993).



P7. Z.Gagic-Filipovic, D.Filipovic and I.Savic,

"Correlation between SO2, CO and NOx -air pollution and specific human morbidity in Belgrade city", (Original scientific paper),

Ekologija 27 34-44 (1992).


P6. B. Marinković, V. Pejčev, D. Filipović, I. Čadež and L. Vušković,

“Elastic and inelastic electron scattering by sodium at 10, 20 and 54.4 eV”,

J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 25 (23) 5179-97 (1992).



P5. B. Marinković, V. Pejčev, D. Filipović and L. Vušković,

“Elastic and inelastic electron scattering by cadmium”,

J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 24 (7) 1817‑37 (1991).



P4. Cz.Szmytkowski, K.Maciag, G.Karwasz and D.Filipović,

“Total absolute cross section measurements for electron scattering on NH3, OCS and N2O”,

J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys 22 525-530 (1989).

doi: 10.1088/0953-4075/22/3/015


P3. D. Filipović, V. Pejčev, B. Marinković and L. Vušković,  

“Electron‑impact excitation of krypton of incident electron energy of 60 eV”,

Fizika, 20 421‑34 (1988)


P2. D. Filipović, B. Marinković, V. Pejčev and L. Vušković,

“Electron‑impact excitation of xenon at incident energies between 15 and 80 eV”,

Phys. Rev. A 37 (2) 356‑64 (1988).

doi: 10.1103/PhysRevA.37.356


P1. B. Marinković, Cz. Szmytkowski, V. Pejčev, D. Filipović and L. Vušković,

“Differential cross sections for elastic and inelastic scattering of electrons by N2O in the range from 10 to 80 eV”,

J. Phys. B: Atom. Molec. Phys. 19 (15) 2365‑75 (1986).




V. Contributed Papers and Abstracts at International Conferences

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CI90. Bratislav P. Marinković, Vladimir I. Kelemen, Vladimir Pejčev, Dragutin Šević, Milos Krunić, Branko A. Petrusevški, Evgenij Yu. Remeta and †Dušan M. Filipović,

“Experimental and theoretical study of differential cross sections for elastic electron scattering by Sb atom”,

Proc. XX European Conf. on the Atomic ad Molecular Physics of Ionized Gases (XX ESCAMPIG) and Workshop: “Atomic and Molecular Collision Data for Plasma Modelling”, 13 – 17 July 2010, Novi Sad, Serbia, European Conference Abstracts Vol. 34B editors: Zoran Lj. Petrovic, Gordana Malovic and Dragana Maric, ISBN: 2-914771-63-0, Poster contribution WAM_P1.68


CI89. S. D. Tošić, D. Šević, V. Pejčev, D. M. Filipović, B. P. Marinković,

“Electron scattering by Ag atom at small scattering angles”,

Proc. 10th European Conf. on Atoms, Molecules, and Photons – ECAMP X, 4 – 9 July 2010, Salamanca, Spain, European Conference Abstracts, editors: Fernando Martin, Gustavo García, Luis Roso and Paulo Limão-Vieira, Poster contribution P065.


CI88. B. P. Marinković, B. Predojević, V. Pejčev, D. Šević, D. M. Filipović,

“Electron impact excitation of the 3s3p 3P state of magnesium atom”

Proc. 10th European Conf. on Atoms, Molecules, and Photons – ECAMP X, 4 – 9 July 2010, Salamanca, Spain, European Conference Abstracts, editors: Fernando Martin, Gustavo García, Luis Roso and Paulo Limão-Vieira, Poster contribution P052.


CI87. P. Kolarž, B. Marinković and D. Filipović,

“Variation of radon and air-ion concentrations in indoor air”,

Proc. 9th European Meeting on Environmental Chemistry, Programme and Book of Abstracts, Escola Politecnica Superior Girona, Catalonia, Spain, 3 – 6 Dec. 2008. Poster Sessions, p.115.


CI86. B. Predojević, D. Šević, V. Pejčev, D. M. Filipović and B. P. Marinković,

“Electron impact excitation of ytterbium”,

Proc. 24th Summer School and International Symposium on Physics of Ionized Gases – SPIG’2008, Contributed Papers and Abstracts of Invited Lectures, Topical Invited Lectures and Progress Reports, 25 – 29 August 2008, Novi Sad, Serbia, Eds. G. Malović, L. Č. Popović and M. S. Dimitrijević (Belgrade, Astronomical Observatory) Publ. Astron. Obs. Belgrade, No. 84, July 2008, Contributed Paper, pp. 53 – 56.


CI85. S. D. Tošić, D. Šević, V. Pejčev, D. M. Filipović and B. P. Marinković,

“Electron impact excitation of Ag atom: energy-loss spectroscopy”,

Proc. 24th Summer School and International Symposium on Physics of Ionized Gases – SPIG’2008, Contributed Papers and Abstracts of Invited Lectures, Topical Invited Lectures and Progress Reports, 25 – 29 August 2008, Novi Sad, Serbia, Eds. G. Malović, L. Č. Popović and M. S. Dimitrijević (Belgrade, Astronomical Observatory) Publ. Astron. Obs. Belgrade, No. 84, July 2008, Contributed Paper, pp. 49 – 52.


CI84. S. D. Tošić, V. I. Kelemen, D. Šević, V. Pejčev, D. M. Filipović, E. Yu. Remeta and B. P. Marinković,

“Elastic electron scattering by silver atoms”,

Proc. 4th Conf. on Elementary Processes in Atomic Systems, (CEPAS 2008) 18-20 June 2008, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Book of Abstracts, Eds. K. Póra, V. Chis and L. Nagy.

ISBN 978-973-647-596-2, Poster presentation We-17, p.75.


CI83. M. S. Rabasović, S. D. Tošić, V. Pejčev, D. Šević, D. M. Filipović and B. P. Marinković,

“Generalized oscillator strengths for electron scattering by In atom at small angles”,

Proc. 4th Conf. on Elementary Processes in Atomic Systems, (CEPAS 2008) 18-20 June 2008, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Book of Abstracts, Eds. K. Póra, V. Chis and L. Nagy.

ISBN 978-973-647-596-2, Poster presentation We-16, p.74.


CI82. B. P. Marinković, A. R. Milosavljević, J. Maljković, D. Šević, B. Petrušev, D. Pavlović, D. M. Filipović, M. Terzić and V. Pejčev,

“Optical and electron spectrometry of molecules of biological interest”,

Proc. International School and Conference on Optics and Optical Materials (ISCOM), Belgrade, September 3-7, 2007. Contributed paper, Poster session - Tuesday - Bio-optics TU_41, p.75.


CI81. B. P. Marinković, V. Pejčev, D. Šević, M. Rabasović, D. M. Filipović, V. I. Kelemen, M. M. Dovhanych and E. Yu. Remeta,

“Experimental and theoretical study of differential cross sections for elastic electron scattering by In atom in the 10-100 eV energy range”,

Proc. XXV ICPEAC07 International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions, Freiburg, Germany 25 - 31 July 2007. Poster presentation Tu046


CI80. B. Predojević, D. Šević, V. Pejčev, S. Lekić, S. Dupljanin, D. M. Filipović and B. P. Marinković,

“Electron impact excitation of the 3s3d 1D2 state in magnesium”,

Proc. XXV ICPEAC07 International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions, Freiburg, Germany 25 - 31 July 2007. Poster presentation Fr061


CI79. S. Milisavljević, M. Pardovska, D. Šević, V. Pejčev, D. M. Filipović and B. P. Marinković,

“Electron Energy-Loss Spectroscopy of Pb Atom”

Proc. 15th Int. Symp. “Spectroscopy in Theory and Practice”, 18-21 April 2007, Nova Gorica, Slovenia, Book of Abstracts (Knjiga povzetkov), Eds. M. Bavcon Kralj and P. Trebše, ISBN: 978-961-6311-44-1. Poster P17 - p.78.


CI78. D. Pavlović, A. R. Milosavljević, D. Šević, V. Pejčev, D. M. Filipović and B. P. Marinković

“Electron interaction with molecules of biological interest”,

Proc. 5th EU-Japan Joint Symposium on Plasma Processing (Radicals and Non-Equilibrium Processes in Low-Temperature Plasmas), 7-9.03.2007 Belgrade, Serbia, Abstracts of Invited Lectures, Progress Reports and Contributed Papers, Eds. Z. Lj. Petrovic, N. Mason, S. Hamaguchi, M. Radmilovic-Radjenovic, (Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Institute of Physics: Belgrade, 2007) Contributed Paper p.Po-12.


CI77. S. Milisavljević, M. S. Rabasović, B. Predojević, D. Šević, V. Pejčev, D. M. Filipović and B. P. Marinković,

“Electron collisions by metal atoms”,

Proc. 5th EU-Japan Joint Symposium on Plasma Processing (Radicals and Non-Equilibrium Processes in Low-Temperature Plasmas), 7-9.03.2007 Belgrade, Serbia, Abstracts of Invited Lectures, Progress Reports and Contributed Papers, Eds. Z. Lj. Petrovic, N. Mason, S. Hamaguchi, M. Radmilovic-Radjenovic, (Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Institute of Physics: Belgrade, 2007) Contributed Paper p.Po-11.


CI76. B. P. Marinkovic, V. Pejcev, D. Sevic, M. Krunic, D. M. Filipovic, F. Blanco and G. Garcia,

“Electron scattering by zinc atom”,

Proc. Symp. on Radiation Effects of Biomedical Interest, February 22-25, 2007 Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (CSIC), Madrid, Spain, Poster 13, p.44


CI75. P. M. Kolarz, D. M. Filipovic and B. P. Marinkovic,

“New design and fully automated Gerdien air-ion counter”,

Proc. 7th European Meeting on Environmental Chemistry (EMEC7),  Brno, Czech Republic, December 6-9 (2006), The Book of Abstracts, Ed: J. Caslavsky, Abstract 105, p.205.


CI74. M. Pardjovska, S. Milisavljević, V. Pejčev, D. Šević, D. M. Filipović, B. P. Marinković, V. I. Kelemen, E. Yu. Remeta  and E. P. Sabad,

“Differential Cross Section for Elastic Electron Scattering by In Atom”,

Proc. 23rd Symposium on Physics of Ionized Gases – SPIG’2006, Contributed Papers and Abstracts of Invited Lectures, Topical Invited Lectures and Progress Reports, 28 August – 1 September  2006, Kopaonik, Serbia, Eds. N. Simonović, B. P. Marinković and Lj. Hadžievski (Belgrade, Institute of Physics) Contributed Paper 1P13, pp. 71 – 74.


CI73. D. Pavlović, D.M. Filipović, V. Pejčev, D. Šević and B.P. Marinković,

“Elastic Electron Scattering by Alanine”,

Proc. 23rd Symposium on Physics of Ionized Gases – SPIG’2006, Contributed Papers and Abstracts of Invited Lectures, Topical Invited Lectures and Progress Reports, 28 August – 1 September  2006, Kopaonik, Serbia, Eds. N. Simonović, B. P. Marinković and Lj. Hadžievski (Belgrade, Institute of Physics) Contributed Paper 1P12, pp. 67 – 70.


CI72. S. Milisavljević, M. Pardjovska, D. Šević, V. Pejčev, D. M. Filipović and B. P. Marinković

“Electron Impact Excitation of the 6p7s 3P1 State of Pb Atom at Small Scattering Angles: Generalized Oscillator Strengths”,

Proc. 23rd Symposium on Physics of Ionized Gases – SPIG’2006, Contributed Papers and Abstracts of Invited Lectures, Topical Invited Lectures and Progress Reports, 28 August – 1 September  2006, Kopaonik, Serbia, Eds. N. Simonović, B. P. Marinković and Lj. Hadžievski (Belgrade, Institute of Physics) Contributed Paper 1P09, pp. 55 – 58.


CI71. P. M Kolarz, D. M Filipovic, D. Markovic, B. P. Marinkovic,

“Air-Ions, Ozone And Some Other Atmospheric Measurements During The Partial Solar Eclipse At Belgrade”, 29 March 2006,

Proc. 6th Int. Conf. of the Balkan Physical Union (6BPU), 22-26 August 2006, Istanbul, Turkey, Eds. S. Ali Cetin and I. Hikmet, Poster 11-P-006, Sec.11 Meteorology and Geophysics, p.976.

also: AIP Conference Proceedings -- April 23, 2007 -- Volume 899, p. 725. SIXTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF THE BALKAN PHYSICAL UNION, Istanbul (Turkey), 22-26 August 2006

ISBN: 978-0-7354-0404-5 Editors: Serkant Ali Cetin and Iskender Hikmet.



CI70. D. M. Filipovic, V. Pejcev, D. Sevic, B. P. Marinkovic,

“Electron Energy Loss Spectra Of Atomic And Molecular Antimony”,

Proc. 6th Int. Conf. of the Balkan Physical Union (6BPU), 22-26 August 2006, Istanbul, Turkey, Eds. S. Ali Cetin and I. Hikmet, Poster 4-P-023, Sec.4 Atomic and Molecular Physics, p.643.


CI69. D. M. Filipovic, V. Pejcev, D. Sevic, B. P. Marinkovic,

“Transitions To Autoionizing States In Bismuth By Electron Impact”,

Proc. 6th Int. Conf. of the Balkan Physical Union (6BPU), 22-26 August 2006, Istanbul, Turkey, Eds. S. Ali Cetin and I. Hikmet, Oral 4-O-009, Sec.4 Atomic and Molecular Physics, p.183.


CI68. S. Milisavljević, M. Pardovska, D. Šević, V. Pejcev, D.M. Filipović, B.P. Marinković,

“Electron impact excitation of the 6p7s 3P1 state of Pb atom”,

Proc. CEPAS 2005 Conference (3rd Conf. on Elementary Processes in Atomic Systems) 31 Aug. - 2 Sept. 2005. University of Miskolc, Hungary, Book of Abstracts, Poster presentation P-25, p.73


CI67. B. P. Marinković, D. M. Filipović, V. Pejčev, D. Šević, D. Pavlović and M. Pardjovska,

“Electron energy loss spectra of alanine”,

Proc. 14th Int. Sym. on Electron-Molecule Collisions and Swarms, EMS-05, July 27 – 30, 2005, Campinas, SP, Brazil, Eds. S. d'A. Sanchez, R. F. da Costa and M. A. Lima, Book of Abstracts, p.53


CI66. P. Kolarž, P. I. Aredondo Sanchez, B. P. Marinković and D. M. Filipović,

“Testing unit developed for Gerdian air-ion detectors”,

Proc 24th Int. Conf. on Photonic Electronic and Atomic Collisions ICPEAC 2005, July 20 – 26, 2005, Rosario, Argentina, Eds: F. D. Colavecchia, P. D. Fainstein, J.Fiol, M. A. P. Lima, J. E. Miraglia, E. C. Montenegro and R. D. Rivarola, Abstracts of Contributed Papers, Vol. II, We140, p.677


CI65. B. P. Marinković, D. M. Filipović, V. Pejčev, D. Šević, A. R. Milosavljević, D. Pavlović and M. Pardjovska,

“Electron energy loss spectra of glycine and tetrahydrofuran molecules”,

Proc 24th Int. Conf. on Photonic Electronic and Atomic Collisions ICPEAC 2005, July 20 – 26, 2005, Rosario, Argentina, Eds: F. D. Colavecchia, P. D. Fainstein, J.Fiol, M. A. P. Lima, J. E. Miraglia, E. C. Montenegro and R. D. Rivarola, Abstracts of Contributed Papers, Vol. I, Mo069, p.295


CI64. Dmitry V. Fursa, Igor Bray, R. Panajotović, D. Šević, V. Pejčev, D. M. Filipović and B. P. Marinković,

“Electron scattering from the ground state of zinc”,

Proc 24th Int. Conf. on Photonic Electronic and Atomic Collisions ICPEAC 2005, July 20 – 26, 2005, Rosario, Argentina, Eds: F. D. Colavecchia, P. D. Fainstein, J. Fiol, M. A. P. Lima, J. E. Miraglia, E. C. Montenegro and R. D. Rivarola, Abstracts of Contributed Papers, Vol. I, Fr047, p.216


CI63. B. Predojević, D. Šević, V. Pejčev, B. P. Marinković and D. M. Filipović,

“Electron scattering by Yb: excitation of the 4f146s6p 3P1 state”,

Proc 24th Int. Conf. on Photonic Electronic and Atomic Collisions ICPEAC 2005, July 20 – 26, 2005, Rosario, Argentina, Eds: F. D. Colavecchia, P. D. Fainstein, J. Fiol, M. A. P. Lima, J. E. Miraglia, E. C. Montenegro and R. D. Rivarola, Abstracts of Contributed Papers, Vol. I, Fr041, p.210


CI62. P. Kolarž, B. P. Marinković and D. M. Filipović,

“Measurement of small air-ions at various Rn222 concentrations near the ground”,

Proc.2nd EYIC 2005 – European Young Investigator Conference, Collegium Europaeum Gnesnense, Gniezno, Poland, June 7 – 12, 2005, Ed. Krzysztof Bobrowski, CD Poster Contribution [P-14] p.61.


CI61. B. Predojevic, D. Ševic, V. Pejcev, B.P. Marinkovic and D.M. Filipovic,

“Electron-impact excitation of the (4f14 6s6p) 1P1 level in Ytterbium”,

Proc. 22nd Symposium on Physics of Ionized Gases – SPIG’2004, Contributed Papers and Abstracts of Invited Lectures, Topical Invited Lectures and Progress Reports, 23-27 August 2004, National Park Tara, Bajna Bašta, Serbia and Montenegro, Ed. Ljupco Hadžievski (Belgrade, Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences) Contributed Paper, pp. 65 – 68.


CI60. S. Milisavljevic, M. Pardovska, D. Ševic, V. Pejcev, D.M. Filipovic and B.P. Marinkovic,

“Differential Cross Section for Elastic Electron Scattering by Pb Atom”

Proc. 22nd Symposium on Physics of Ionized Gases – SPIG’2004, Contributed Papers and Abstracts of Invited Lectures, Topical Invited Lectures and Progress Reports, 23-27 August 2004, National Park Tara, Bajna Bašta, Serbia and Montenegro, Ed. Ljupco Hadžievski (Belgrade, Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences) Contributed Paper, pp. 73 – 75.



CI59. P.M. Kolarž, B.P. Marinkovic and D.M. Filipovic,

“Correlation Between Radon Exhalation and Air Ion Concentration”,

Proc. 22nd Symposium on Physics of Ionized Gases – SPIG’2004, Contributed Papers and Abstracts of Invited Lectures, Topical Invited Lectures and Progress Reports, 23-27 August 2004, National Park Tara, Bajna Bašta, Serbia and Montenegro, Ed. Ljupco Hadžievski (Belgrade, Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences) Contributed Paper, pp. 93 – 96.


CI58. A. R. Milosavljevic, D. Ševic, D. M. Filipovic and B. P. Marinkovic,

“The consistent data set of angular and energy dependent DCS for elastic electron-argon scattering in the vicinity of critical points”,

Proc. of the Fifth  Gen. Conf. of Balkan Physical Union BPU-5, Vrnajcka Banja, Serbia and Montenegro, August 25 – 29, 2003, Eds. S. Jokic, I. Milosevic, A. Balaz and Z. Nikolic, (Belgrade: Serbian Physical Society) CD-ROM Abstract SO04 – 001, pp. 235 – 240.

[ ]


CI57. S. Tošić, D. Šević, V. Pejčev, D. M. Filipović and B. P. Marinković,

“Differential cross sections for inelastic electron scattering by calcium atom”

Proc. of the Fifth  Gen. Conf. of Balkan Physical Union BPU-5, Vrnajcka Banja, Serbia and Montenegro, August 25 – 29, 2003, Eds. S. Jokic, I. Milosevic, A. Balaz and Z. Nikolic, (Belgrade: Serbian Physical Society) CD-ROM Abstract SO04 – 002, pp. 241 – 244.

[ ]


CI56. Lj. Stevanovic, B. P. Marinkovic and D. M. Filipovic,

“Single inner-electron (n-1)d10ns2 to (n-1)d9ns2np transitions in zinc (n = 4) and cadmium (n = 5)”,

Proc. of the Fifth  Gen. Conf. of Balkan Physical Union BPU-5, Vrnajcka Banja, Serbia and Montenegro, August 25 – 29, 2003, Eds. S. Jokic, I. Milosevic, A. Balaz and Z. Nikolic, (Belgrade: Serbian Physical Society) CD-ROM Abstract SP04 – 007, pp. 293 – 296.

[ ]


CI55. B. P. Marinković, V. Pejčev and D. M. Filipović,

“Normalization of the measured relative electron differential cross sections for excitation of H2S”

Proc. Int. Symp. on Electron-Molecule Collisions and Swarms EMS-03, July 30 - August 2, 2003, Pruchonice near Prague, Czech Republic, Eds. Jiri Horacek and Petr Carsky (Charles University, Academy of Sciences Czech Republic) Program and Abstracts, pp. 83 – 84.


CI54. P.I.A. Sanchez, P. Kolarž, I. Perić, B.P. Marinković and D.M. Filipović,

“Photonic, electronic and atomic collisions in front of charged metallic tips”

Proc 23rd Int. Conf. on Photonic Electronic and Atomic Collisions ICPEAC 2003, July 23 – 29, 2003, Stockholm, Sweden, Eds: J. Anton, H. Cederquist, M. Larsson, E. Lindroth, S. Mannervik, H. Schmidt and R. Schuch,  Abstracts of Contributed Papers, Vol. I, Th176

[ ]


CI53. B. Predojević, D. Šević, V. Pejčev, B.P. Marinković and D.M. Filipović,

“Electron energy-loss spectra of the (n-1)d9ns2np autoionising states of Cd (n=5) and Zn (n=4)”

Proc 23rd Int. Conf. on Photonic Electronic and Atomic Collisions ICPEAC 2003, July 23 – 29, 2003, Stockholm, Sweden, Eds: J. Anton, H. Cederquist, M. Larsson, E. Lindroth, S. Mannervik, H. Schmidt and R. Schuch,  Abstracts of Contributed Papers, Vol. I, We083

[ ]


CI52. S. Tošić, D. Šević, V. Pejčev, D. M. Filipović and B. P. Marinković,

“Generalized oscillator strengths for electron scattering by Ca atom at small angles”,

Proc 23rd Int. Conf. on Photonic Electronic and Atomic Collisions ICPEAC 2003, July 23 – 29, 2003, Stockholm, Sweden, Eds: J. Anton, H. Cederquist, M. Larsson, E. Lindroth, S. Mannervik, H. Schmidt and R. Schuch,  Abstracts of Contributed Papers, Vol. II, Tu050

[ ]


CI51. P. Kolarz, Z. Todorovic, S.J. Buckman, B.P. Marinkovic and D.M. Filipovic,

“Simultaneous detection of small air-ions and α-particles from Rn222 decay near the ground”,

Proc. 21st SPIG, Contributed Papers and Abstracts of Invited Lectures, Topical Invited Lectures and Progress Reports, 26-30 August 2002, Soko Banja, Yugoslavia, Eds. M. K. Radovic and M. S. Jovanovic (Dept. of Physics, Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, Univ. of Nis) Contributed Paper, pp. 116 – 119.


CI50. S. Tosic, D. Sevic, V. Pejcev, D.M. Filipovic and B.P. Marinkovic,

“Differential cross sections for elastic electron scattering by Ca atom”,

Proc. 21st SPIG, Contributed Papers and Abstracts of Invited Lectures, Topical Invited Lectures and Progress Reports, 26-30 August 2002, Soko Banja, Yugoslavia, Eds. M. K. Radovic and M. S. Jovanovic (Dept. of Physics, Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, Univ. of Nis) Contributed Paper, pp. 26 – 29.


CI49. B. Predojevic, D. Sevic, V. Pejcev, B.P. Marinkovic and D.M. Filipovic,

“Decomposition of lines in electron autoionizing spectra of Zn”,

Proc. 21st SPIG, Contributed Papers and Abstracts of Invited Lectures, Topical Invited Lectures and Progress Reports, 26-30 August 2002, Soko Banja, Yugoslavia, Eds. M. K. Radovic and M. S. Jovanovic (Dept. of Physics, Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, Univ. of Nis) Contributed Paper, pp. 18 – 21.


CI48. Panajotovic, R., Sevic, D., Pejcev, V., Marinkovic, B., Predojevic, B., and D.M. Filipovic,.

“Generalized oscillator strengths for e-Zn scattering at small angles”

Proc. XXII ICPEAC, Santa Fe, July 2001, Abstracts of Contributed Papers, Eds. S. Datz, M. E. Bannister, H. F. Krause, L. H. Saddiq, D. Schultz and C. R. Vane, p.190, poster MO035


CI47. B. Predojevic, D. Sevic, R. Panajotovic, V. Pejcev, D.M. Filipovic and B.P. Marinkovic

“Differential cross section minima in electron scattering by zinc atom”

Proc. 20th  Symposium on Physics of Ionized Gases (SPIG'2000), Zlatibor, Yugoslavia, Eds. Z. Lj. Petrovic, M. M. Kuraica, N. Bibic and G. Malovic, (Institute of Physics, Physical Faculty, Institute of Nuclear Sciences “Vinca”, Belgrade, 2000) Contributed Papers, pp.35-38


CI46. D.M. Filipovic, B. Marinkovic, V. Pejcev and L. Vuskovic,

“Electron impact excitation of argon: II. The lowest resonance 4s'[3/2]1 and metastable 4s[3/2]2 and 4s'[1/2]0 states”,

Program of the 2000 Meeting of the Division of Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics (DAMOP Meeting), Storrs, Connecticut, USA, 2000. Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 45 No.3, p.72 Abstract L9 49


CI45. D. Filipovic, V. Pejcev, B. Marinkovic and L. Vuskovic,

“Electron Excitation of Argon: 4s'[1/2]1, 4p[1/2]1 and 4p'[1/2]0”,

Program 52nd Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference, Norfolk, VA, USA, 1999. Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 44 No.4, p.44 Abstract IWP3 15


CI44. B. Marinkovic, R. Panajotovic, Z. D. Pesic, D. M. Filipovic, Z. Felfli and M.S. Msezane

“Normalization of the measured relative electron differential cross sections for 2 1Σ+ and 1Π states of N2O”,

Program of the 1999 Centennial Meeting of the American Physical Society (CENT99 Meeting), Atlanta, Georgia, USA, March 20-26, 1999. Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. Abstract RP01.47


CI43. Z. Felfli, P. Ozimba, A. Z. Msezane, T. Ester, J. Kessler, M. Zubek, N. Gulley, A. Danjo, G. C. King, B. Marinkovic, D. Filipovic and L. Vuskovic

“Determination of small-angle electron differential cross sections, from their larger angle measurements”,

Proc. XX ICPEAC, Vienna, Austria, 1997, Abstracts of Contributed Papers, Eds. F. Aumayar, G. Betz and H. P. Winter, p.MO107


CI42. Z.D. Pesic, R. Panajotovic, B. Marinkovic, V. Pejcev and D.M. Filipovic

“Position of DCS minima in elastic electron scattering by mercury”,

Proc. XX ICPEAC, Vienna, Austria, 1997, Abstracts of Contributed Papers, Eds. F. Aumayar, G. Betz and H. P. Winter, p.TH007


CI41. R. Panajotovic, D. Filipovic, B. Marinkovic, V. Pejcev, M. Kurepa and L. Vuskovic

“Critical minima in elastic electron scattering by argon”,

Proc. XX ICPEAC, Vienna, Austria, 1997, Abstracts of Contributed Papers, Eds. F. Aumayar, G. Betz and H. P. Winter, p.TH006


CI40. D.M. Filipovic and B. Marinkovic

“Position of DCS minima in elastic electron-argon scattering”,

Proc. XX ICPEAC, Vienna, Austria, 1997, Abstracts of Contributed Papers, Eds. F. Aumayar, G. Betz and H. P. Winter, p.TH005


CI39. B. Marinkovic, V. Pejcev, D.M. Filipovic and Z.D. Pesic

“Electron excitation of the 1Π and 21Σ+ states of N2O”,

Proc. 3rd General Conference of the Balkan Physical Union (BPU-3) Programme and Abstracts, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 1997, 3O-006


CI38. B. Marinkovic, V. Pejcev and D. Filipovic

“Energy loss spectroscopy of cadmium autoionizing levels”,

Proc. 3rd South European Conference on Atomic and Molecular Physics (SECAMP-96), Kos, Greece, 1996, Proceedings Eds. C.A. Nicolaides, Y. Kominos, T. Mercouris and E.D. Simandiras


CI37. A. Marinkovic, B. Marinkovic and D.M. Filipovic

“Resonance ionization of SO2 molecule”,

Proc. XVIII SPIG, Kotor, Yugoslavia 1996, Contributed Papers, Eds. B. Vujicic and S. Djurovic, (Faculty of Sciences, Institute of Physics Novi Sad, Novi Sad), 1996, pp.103-106


CI36. Z.D. Pesic, B. Marinkovic, M. Minic, D. Pantelic, I. Necajev, B. Panic, R. Panajotovic and D.M. Filipovic

“Using diode lasers for atomic collision physics”,

Proc. XVIII SPIG, Kotor, Yugoslavia 1996, Contributed Papers, Eds. B. Vujicic and S. Djurovic, (Faculty of Sciences, Institute of Physics Novi Sad: Novi Sad), 1996, pp.51-54


CI35. J. Matijevic, R. Panajotovic, B. Marinkovic, V. Pejcev and D.M. Filipovic

“Absorption effects in elastic electron scattering by argon atom”,

Proc. XVIII SPIG, Kotor, Yugoslavia 1996, Contributed Papers, Eds. B. Vujicic and S. Djurovic, (Faculty of Sciences, Institute of Physics Novi Sad: Novi Sad), 1996, pp.40-42


CI34. J. Predojevic, R. Panajotovic, V. Pejcev, B. Marinkovic and D.M. Filipovic

“Test of randomness of binary electron ‑ atom collision events”

Proc. XVIII SPIG, Kotor, Yugoslavia 1996, Contributed Papers, Eds. B. Vujicic and S. Djurovic, (Faculty of Sciences, Institute of Physics Novi Sad: Novi Sad), 1996, pp.37-39


CI33. R. Panajotovic, V. Pejcev, B. Marinkovic and D. Filipovic

“Resonances in elastic e/Ar scattering above ionization limit”

Proc. XVIII SPIG, Kotor, Yugoslavia 1996, Contributed Papers, Eds. B. Vujicic and S. Djurovic, (Faculty of Sciences, Institute of Physics Novi Sad: Novi Sad), 1996, pp.30-33


CI32. B. Marinkovic, V. Pejcev and D. Filipovic

“Generalized Oscillator Strengths for the Resonance Transition in Cadmium”,

Proc. XIX ICPEAC, Whistler, Canada, 1995, Scientific Program and Abstracts of Contributed Papers, Eds. J. B. A. Mitchell, J. W. McConkey and C. E. Brion, p.460


CI31. D. Filipovic, V. Pejcev, R. Panajotovic and B. Marinkovic

“The Critical Positions of Differential Cross Section Minima in Elastic Electron - Argon Scattering”,

Proc. 5th EPS Conference on Atomic and Molecular Physics (ECAMP) - Edinburgh, UK 1995,  Contributed Papers, Part II, ed. R. C. Thomson, Europhysics Conference Abstracts, Vol.19A Part II p.521


CI30. B. Marinkovic, Ping Wang and Alan Gallagher

“A Cylindrical Trochoidal Monochromator Designed for Low Electron Energy Collisions”,

Proc. European Research Conference 1994 Series - Electronic and Atomic Collisions: Processes at Low and Ultralow Energies - Giens, France 1994,  Abstracts of Invited Lectures and Contributed Papers Eds. H. Hotop and M.-W. Ruf, p. P9


CI29. B. Marinkovic, V. Pejcev, D. Filipovic and L. Vuskovic

“Excitation of the first four valence states of H2S by low energy electrons”

Proc. European Research Conference 1994 Series - Electronic and Atomic Collisions: Processes at Low and Ultralow Energies - Giens, France 1994,  Abstracts of Invited Lectures and Contributed Papers Eds. H. Hotop and M.-W. Ruf, p. P8


CI28. B. Marinkovic, V. Pejcev, D. Filipovic and L. Vuskovic

“Excitation of the first four valence states of H2S by low energy electrons”,

Proc. 17th SPIG, Belgrade, Yugoslavia 1994, Contributed Papers Eds. B. Marinkovic and Z. Petrovic, pp. 28-31


CI27. R. Panajotovic M. Minic, B. Marinkovic V. Pejcev and D. Filipovic

“Resonant Structures in the Elastic Channel of e--Cd Scattering”,

Proc. 17th SPIG, Belgrade, Yugoslavia 1994, Contributed Papers Eds. B. Marinkovic and Z. Petrovic, pp. 16-19


CI26. D. Filipovic, V. Pejcev, R. Panajotovic and B. Marinkovic

“Minima in Differential Cross Sections for Elastic Electron Scattering on Argon Atom”,

Proc. 17th SPIG, Belgrade, Yugoslavia 1994, Contributed Papers Eds. B. Marinkovic and Z. Petrovic, pp. 11-13


CI25. R. Panajotovic, D. Filipovic, V. Pejcev, D. Stojkovic, G. Poparic, V. Bocvarski, V. Cvjetkovic and B. Marinkovic,

“Minima in differential cross sections for electron scattering by IIb group atoms”,

Proc. 16th SPIG, Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 1993, Book of Contributed Papers, p.34-35


CI24. B. Marinkovic, V. Pejcev and D. Filipovic

“Differential cross sections for electron excitation of cadmium autoionizing (5p)3P1 and (5p)1P1 levels”,

Proc. XVIII ICPEAC, Aarhus, Denmark, 1993, Abstracts of Contributed Papers, p.176


CI23. R. Panajotovic, V. Pejcev, D. Filipovic and B. Marinkovic,

“Integrated cross sections for electron scattering by mercury”,

Proc. Predeal Int. Summer School in Physics ‑ Topics in Atomic and Nuclear Collisions, Predeal, Romania 1992


CI22. B. Marinkovic, V. Pejcev, D. Filipovic, I. Cadez and L. Vuskovic

“Absolute cross sections for the 54.4 eV electron scattering by sodium atom”,

Proc. XVI ICPEAC, New York, USA, 1989, Abstracts of Contributed Papers, p.133


CI21. B. Marinkovic, V. Pejcev, and D. Filipovic

“Excitation momentum transfer cross sections for Na and Cd metal atoms”,

Proc. XIX International Conference on the Physics of Ionized Gases (ICPIG), Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 1989, Contributed Papers, pp.556-557


CI20. D. Filipovic, V. Pejcev, B. Marinkovic and L. Vuskovic

“Momentum transfer cross sections for the electron ‑ impact excitation of argon krypton and xenon atoms”,

Proc. XIX International Conference on the Physics of Ionized Gases (ICPIG), Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 1989, Contributed Papers, p.550


CI19. D. Filipovic, S. Kazakov, V. Pejcev, B. Marinkovic, Cz. Szmytkowski and L. Vuskovic

“Absolute values of the inelastic e /Kr cross sections”,

Proc. III European Conference on Atomic and Molecular Physics (ECAMP) Bordeaux, France 1989, Europhysics Conference Abstracts, ed. A. Salin, Vol.13C, Part II, p.622


CI18. B. Marinkovic, V. Pejcev, D. Filipovic, I. Cadez and L. Vuskovic

“Differential cross sections for the electron excitation of sodium atom at 54.4 eV impact energy”,

Proc. III European Conference on Atomic and Molecular Physics (ECAMP) Bordeaux, France 1989, Europhysics Conference Abstracts, ed. A. Salin, Vol.13C, Part I, p.151


CI17. B. Marinkovic, V. Pejcev, D. Filipovic, I. Cadez and L. Vuskovic,

“Differential cross sections for the elastic electron scattering by sodium atom”,

Proc. XIV SPIG, Igman, Yugoslavia, 1988, Contributed Papers, pp.121-123


CI16. B. Marinkovic, V. Pejcev, D. Filipovic, I. Cadez and L. Vuskovic,

“Differential cross sections for the electron excitation of sodium atom”,

Proc. XIV SPIG, Igman, Yugoslavia, 1988, Contributed Papers, pp.25-28


CI15. B. Marinkovic, V. Pejcev, D. Filipovic and L. Vuskovic,

“Differential cross sections for electron impact on Cd atom”

Proc. XV ICPEAC, Brighton, U.K. 1987, Abstracts of Contributed Papers, p.186


CI14. D. Filipovic, S. Kazakov, Cz. Szmytkowski, V. Pejcev, B. Marinkovic and L. Vuskovic,

“Differential cross sections for inelastic scattering of electrons by krypton in the energy range of 20 to 80 eV”,

Proc. XV ICPEAC, Brighton, U.K. 1987, Abstracts of Contributed Papers, p.185


CI13. B. Marinkovic, V. Pejcev, and D. Filipovic,

“The energy‑loss spectra of cadmium autoionizing levels excited by 15 to 60 eV electrons”,

Proc. XIX EGAS (European Group for Atomic Spectroscopy), Dublin, Ireland, 1987, Abstracts, p.C3‑17


CI12. B. Marinkovic, D. Filipovic, V. Pejcev and L. Vuskovic,

“Excitation cross sections for xenon atom by electron impact”,

Proc. XIII SPIG, Sibenik, Yugoslavia, 1986. Book of Contributed Papers, pp.7-10


CI11. D. Filipovic, S. Kazakov, B. Marinkovic Cz. Szmytkowski, V. Pejcev and L. Vuskovic,

“Differential cross sections for elastic and inelastic scattering on intermediate energy electrons by krypton atoms”,

Proc. XIII SPIG, Sibenik, Yugoslavia, 1986, Book of Contributed Papers, pp.3-6


CI10. D. Filipovic, B. Marinkovic, V. Pejcev and L. Vuskovic,

“Absolute values of the inelastic e /Ar cross sections”,

Proc. II ECAMP, Amsterdam, 1985, Book of Contributed Papers, p.67


CI09. L. Vuskovic, Cz. Szmytkowski, V. Pejcev, B. Marinkovic and D. Filipovic

“Electron scattering by N2O”,

Proc. XII SPIG, Sibenik, Yugoslavia, 1984, Book of Contributed Papers, pp.170-173



CI08. D. Filipovic, B. Marinkovic, V. Pejcev and L. Vuskovic,

“Integral cross sections for elastic and inelastic scattering of electrons by argon and xenon atoms”,

Proc. XII SPIG, Sibenik, Yugoslavia, 1984, Book of Contributed Papers, pp.128-131


CI07. D. Filipovic, B. Marinkovic, V. Pejcev and L. Vuskovic,

“Differential cross sections for inelastic scattering of intermediate energy electrons by xenon atoms”

Proc. XII SPIG, Sibenik, Yugoslavia, 1984, Book of Contributed Papers, pp.124-127


CI06. D. Filipovic, V. Pejcev, B. Marinkovic and L. Vuskovic,

“Differential cross sections for inelastic scattering of intermediate energy electrons by argon atoms”,

Proc. XII SPIG, Sibenik, Yugoslavia, 1984, Book of Contributed Papers, pp.120-123


CI05. L. Vuskovic, Cz. Szmytkowski, V. Pejcev, B. Marinkovic and D. Filipovic,

“Elastic and inelastic scattering of electrons by N2O in the range of 10 to 80 eV”,

Proc. IX ICAP, Seattle, USA, 1984, Satellite Workshop and Conference Abstracts, p.A 73-4


CI04. B. Marinkovic, V. Pejcev, D. Filipovic and L. Vuskovic,

“Relative differential cross sections for elastic and inelastic scattering of electrons by xenon in the energy range of 15 to 80 eV”,

Proc. XIII ICPEAC, Berlin, 1983, Abstracts of Contributed Papers, p.85


CI03. B. Marinkovic, D. Filipovic, V. Pejcev and L. Vuskovic,

“Inelastic electron scattering by H2S”,

Proc. XI SPIG, Dubrovnik, 1982, Contributed Papers, pp.71-74.


CI02. D. Filipovic, V. Pejcev and L. Vuskovic,

“Angular distribution of intermediate energy electrons scattered by xenon”,

Proc. XI Yugoslav Summer School and International Symposium on the Physics of Ionized Gases (SPIG), Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia, 1982, Contributed Papers, pp.27-30.


CI01. D. Filipovic, V. Pejcev, B. Marinkovic and L. Vuskovic,

“Angular distribution of electrons scattered by argon atom”,

Proc. XI Yugoslav Summer School and International Symposium on the Physics of Ionized Gases (SPIG), Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia, 1982, Contributed Papers, pp.23-25.



VI. Contributed Papers and Abstracts at National Conferences

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CN34. B. Predojević, D Šević, V. Pejčev, B P Marinković and D. M. Filipović,

“Electron scattering by magnesium: Excitation of the 3s3p 3P state”,

Proc. The First Physics Congress of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 20 – 22. Dec. 2008, Teslić, Republic of Srpska, B&H, Book of Abstracts, Eds. D. Mirjanić, D. Milosević, and B. Predojević, Contributed Papers, Section 2 – Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, p.33.


CN33. Predrag Kolarž, Dušan M. Filipović, Bratislav P. Marinković,

“Koncentracija atmosferskih jona u savremenim uslovima života i rada”,

“Air-ions concentration in contemporary working conditions”, (in Serbian)

Scientific-professional conference with international participation: Modern Technologies for Cities’ Sustainable Development”, November 14 – 15 2008, Banja Luka, BiH, Institute of Protection, Ecology and Informatics, Banja Luka, BiH, Collection of Papers, Editor: Predrag Ilić, pp. 233 – 242 (in Serbian), Oral presentation.


CN32. M. S. Rabasović, S. D. Tošić, V. Pejčev, D. Šević, D. M. Filipović and B. P. Marinković,

“Effective Path Length Correction Factor in Electron-Indium Atom Scattering Experiments”,

in Proc. 1st National Conference on Electronic, Atomic, Molecular and Photonic Physics, 15-18 May 2008, Zaječar, Serbia, Book of Contributed Papers and Abstracts of Invited Lectures and Progress Reports, Eds. A. R. Milosavljević, D. Šević and B. P. Marinković, (Institute of Physics, Belgrade 2008) ISBN: 978-86-82441-22-9, Contributed Paper, pp.42-44.




CN31. Sanja D. Tošić, D. Šević, V. Pejčev, D. M. Filipović and B. P. Marinković,

“Electron Energy-Loss Spectroscopy of Ag Atom”,

in Proc. 1st National Conference on Electronic, Atomic, Molecular and Photonic Physics, 15-18 May 2008, Zaječar, Serbia, Book of Contributed Papers and Abstracts of Invited Lectures and Progress Reports, Eds. A. R. Milosavljević, D. Šević and B. P. Marinković, (Institute of Physics, Belgrade 2008) ISBN: 978-86-82441-22-9, p.16.



CN30. Dragutin Šević, Bratislav Marinković, Aleksandar Milosavljević, Dušan Filipović, Vladimir Pejčev,

“Analiza signala elektronskog spektrometra diskretnom harmonijskom wavelet transformacijom”,

Analysis of Electron Spectrometer Signals Using Harmonic Wavelet Transform,

Proc. 51st ETRAN (Society for Electronics, Telecommunication, Computers, Automation, and Nuclear Engineering), 4-8 June 2007, Herceg Novi-Igalo, Montenegro, oral presentation.


CN29. S. Milisavljević, D. Šević, V. Pejčev, D. M. Filipović, B. P. Marinković,

“Electron scattering by Ca atom”

Proc. QuAMP II, The Second National Meeting on Quantum, Atomic, Molecular and Plasma Physics, The Open University, September 19th – 22nd 2005.


CN28. Dragutin Šević, Bratislav Marinković, Aleksandar Milosavljević, Dušan Filipović, Vladimir Pejčev,

Filtriranje signala elektronskog spektrometra proširenom preklopljenom transformacijom”,

“Filtering of electron spectrometer signals using extended lapped transform”, (in Serbian)

Proc. XLIX Konferencija ETRAN-a. Budva, 5-10. juna 2005, saopštenje EK3.4

(komisija za električna kola i sisteme i procesiranje signala; sednica "algoritmi i modelovanje")


CN27. S. Milisavljević, D. Šević, V. Pejcev, D. M. Filipović and B. P. Marinković,

“Integral Cross-Sections for Electron Excitation of the 41P State of Calcium Atom”,

Proc. XI Congress of Physicists of Serbia and Montenegro, Petrovac na Moru, 3 – 5 June 2004, Eds. Nikola Konjevic, Borko Vujicic and Predrag Miranovic, CD Contribution [s2_10] pp. 2.67 – 69 (in Serbian)


CN26. P. Kolarz, B.P. Marinkovic and D.M. Filipovic,

“Air ion detection near the ground”,

Proc. "Applied Physics in Serbia - APS" Belgrade 2002, Eds. S. Koicki, N. Konjevic, Z. Lj. Petrovic and Dj. Bek-Uzarov, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Scientific Meetings Vol.XCVIII, Dept. of Mathematics, Physics and Geo-Sciences, Book 2/1, pp. 183 – 186.


CN25. B. Predojevic, B.P. Marinkovic, D. Sevic, V. Pejcev, D.M. Filipovic and S. Cuckovic,

“Cross section measurements for electron impact excitation of autoionizing states of metal atoms”,

Proc. 2nd Congress of Metrologists of Yugoslavia, Novi Sad, 2000, CD 040, 7p. (in Serbian)


CN24. J. Sekaric, B.P. Marinkovic i D.M. Filipovic,

“Correlation between change of negative ion concentration and humidity in air during the 1999 solar eclipse”

Proc. 10th Congress of Yugoslav Physicists, Vrnjacka banja, March 2000, Eds. B. Milic and D. Markusev, pp.95-98 (in Serbian)


CN23. D.M. Filipovic, B. Predojevic, V. Pejcev, B.P. Marinkovic i L. Vuskovic,

“Bethe diagram of experimental results for medium energy electron scattering by Ar, Kr and Xe atoms”

Proc. 10th Congress of Yugoslav Physicists, Vrnjacka banja, March 2000, Eds. B. Milic and D. Markusev, pp.71-74 (in Serbian)



CN22. B.P. Marinkovic, R. Panajotovic, V. Pejcev, D. Sevic, S. Cuckovic and D.M. Filipovic,

“Bethe diagram of experimental results for medium energy electron scattering by atoms of IIb group elements: Zn, Cd and Hg”

Proc. 10th Congress of Yugoslav Physicists, Vrnjacka banja, March 2000, Eds. B. Milic and D. Markusev, pp.67-70 (in Serbian)


CN21. R. Panajotovic, B. Marinkovic, V. Pejcev and D. Filipovic,

Experimental apparatus “ESMA”

Proc. of Physics Teachers Seminar, (Serbian Physical Society, Kragujevac, 1998), p. 155 (in Serbian)


CN20. D. Filipovic, B. Marinkovic, M. Minic and I. Cadez,

Air-ions detector

Proc. Symposium on measurements and measurement equipment, Belgrade, 1998, Eds. I. Zupunski and G. Dankovic, (Federal Bureau for Measures and Precious Metals, Belgrade) 1998, pp.117-122 (in Serbian)


CN19. R. Panajotovic, B. Marinkovic, D. Filipovic and V. Pejcev,

“Cross-section measurements for elastic electron scattering on metal atoms”,

Proc. Symposium on measurements and measurement equipment, Belgrade, 1998, Eds. I. Zupunski and G. Dankovic, (Federal Bureau for Measures and Precious Metals, Belgrade) 1998, pp.99-107 (in Serbian)


CN18. D.M. Filipovic and B. Marinkovic,

“Atoms and molecules 'as seen' by electron in scattering”,

Proc. Symposium Electron - The Centenary of the Discovery, Vol.7, ed. M. Kurepa, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Belgrade, 1997, p.33-6 (in Serbian)


CN17. R. Panajotovic, D.M. Filipovic, B. Marinkovic, V. Pejcev, M. Kurepa and L. Vuskovic,

“Critical minima in elastic electron scattering by argon”,

Proc. Joint APS/AAPT Meeting with DAMOP Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., 1997. Abstract 10015


CN16. B. Marinković, V. Pejčev, D.M. Filipović and R. Panajotović,

“Electron spectrometer ESMA”,

in The World of Quanta, ed. R. Antanasijević, (Institute of Physics, Belgrade, 1996) pp. 180-181 (in Serbian)


CN15. R. Panajotović, D.M. Filipović, V. Pejčev, B. Marinković,

“Minima of differential cross sections in elastic electron scattering by Ar”,

Proc. 9th Congress of Yugoslav Physicists, Petrovac na moru, 1995, Contributed Papers, p.101-4 (in Serbian)


CN14. D.M. Filipovic, V. Pejcev, B. Marinkovic,

“Diffraction nature of elastic scattering by atoms and molecules”,

Proc. 9th Congress of Yugoslav Physicists, Petrovac na moru, 1995, Contributed Papers, p.65-8 (in Serbian)


CN13. D. Filipovic, V. Pejcev, I. Cadez, B. Marinkovic and L. Vuskovic,

Methodics for determination of absolute differential cross sections for inelastic electron scattering by atoms”,

Proc. 6th JUSFAS, Brioni, Yugoslavia, 1989, Abstracts, p.B2‑8. (in Serbian)


CN12. B. Marinkovic, V. Pejcev, D. Filipovic, I. Cadez and L. Vuskovic,

“Differential cross sections for elastic and inelastic electron scattering by Na and Cd atoms”,

Proc. 6th JUSFAS, Brioni, Yugoslavia, 1989, Abstracts, p.B1‑7. (in Serbian)


CN11. B. Marinkovic, V. Pejcev, D. Filipovic and L. Vuskovic,

“Electron spectroscopy of metal vapours”,

Proc. 5th JUSFAS, Kopaonik, Yugoslavia, 1987, Abstracts, p.C1. (in Serbian)


CN10. D. Filipovic and B. Marinkovic,

“Microcomputer support for laboratory exercise: MOLECULAR SPECTROSCOPY ‑ FLUORESCENCE SO2”,

Proc. 8th Congress of mathematicians, physicists and astronomers of Yugoslavia (MFAJ), Pristina, Yugoslavia, 1985, Abstracts, p.330 (in Serbian)


CN9. B. Marinkovic, V. Pejcev, D. Filipovic and L. Vuskovic

“Monoenergetic electron scattering by molecules”,

Proc. 8th Congress of mathematicians, physicists and astronomers of Yugoslavia (MFAJ), Pristina, Yugoslavia, 1985, Abstracts, p.218 (in Serbian)


CN8. D. Filipovic, B. Marinkovic, V. Pejcev, S. Kazakov and L. Vuskovic,

“Electron scattering by atoms”,

Proc. 8th Congress of mathematicians, physicists and astronomers of Yugoslavia (MFAJ), Pristina, Yugoslavia, 1985, Abstracts, p.210 (in Serbian)


CN7. D. Filipovic, V. Pejcev, B. Marinkovic and L. Vuskovic,

“About determination of absolute integral cross sections for inelastic electron scattering by atoms”,

Proc. 4th JUSFAS, Plitvicka jezera, Yugoslavia 1985, Abstracts, p.C14 (in Serbian)


CN6. B. Marinkovic, V. Pejcev, D. Filipovic and L. Vuskovic,

“Measurement of absolute differential cross sections for elastic electron scattering by molecules”

Proc. 4th JUSFAS, Plitvicka jezera, Yugoslavia 1985, Abstracts, p.C11 (in Serbian)


CN5. B. Marinkovic, V. Pejcev, D. Filipovic and L. Vuskovic,

“Electron spectroscopy of H2S molecules”,

Proc. 4th JUSFAS, Plitvicka jezera, Yugoslavia 1985, Abstracts, p.C10 (in Serbian)


CN4. Cz. Szmytkowski, B. Marinkovic, D. Filipovic, V. Pejcev and L. Vuskovic,

“Electron scattering by NO2 molecules”,

Proc. 28th Polish Physicist's Annual Meeting, Gdansk, Poland, 1984, Contributed papers, p.208. (in Polish)


CN3. D. Filipovic, B. Marinkovic, V. Pejcev and L. Vuskovic,

“Differential cross sections for elastic and inelastic electron scattering by gas target”,

Proc. 3rd JUSFAS, Donji Milanovac, Yugoslavia 1983, Abstracts, p.4 (in Serbian)


CN2. I. Cadez, B. Marinkovic, Z. Cvetkovic, D. Filipovic, N. Ðuric, L. Vuskovic and M. Kurepa,

“Generator of negative ions”,

Proc. 12th Yugoslav Symp. in Biophysics, Donji Milanovac, Yugoslavia 1981, Abstracts, p.91. (in Serbian)


CN1. B. Marinkovic and D. Filipovic,

“Light source for the excitation of SO2 molecule”,

Proc. 2nd Yugoslav Symp. in Atomic Coll. Phys. (JUSFAS), Stubicke Toplice, Yugoslavia, 1981. Abstracts (in Serbian)



VII Theses

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T3. Dušan M. Filipović,

“Elastic and inelastic electron scattering by Krypton and Xenon”,

Ph.D. Thesis, University of Belgrade, Physics Faculty, 1988. (in Serbian)


T2. Dušan M. Filipović,

“Medium Energy Electron Scattering by Argon”,

Masters Thesis, University of Belgrade, Natural‑Sciences Faculty, 1984. (in Serbian)


T1. Dušan M. Filipović,

Fluorescentni detector sumpor dioksida”,

B.Sc. Diploma Work, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Sciences, Institute of Physics, 1978. (in Serbian)



VIII Other published contributions

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IX Books refereed

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