Centre 3

Laboratory for Atomic Collision Processes

Laboratorija za fiziku atomskih sudarnih procesa


Introduction , People , Gallery , Projects and Publications , Collaboration , Conferences , Awards , Links



Our research ranges from elementary processes in atomic systems to luminescence properties of nanoscale materials; from simple atoms to biomolecules with applications for medicine, radiation damage and environmental science. Collisional processes of electrons, like elastic scattering, excitation, ionization and autoionization, dissociative attachment, and others are studied. Research activities within the Laboratory for atomic collision processes are aimed at quantifying and understanding the fundamental basis for these processes. Theoretical studies are oriented towards uderstanding of atomic particle scattering on 2-D periodic structures, interactions of atoms with strong laser fields, quantum dots in EM fields and quantum information theory. There are three main experimental set-ups currently running: UGRA, TR-LIS and OHRHA. All of these have openings for postgraduate research projects. Much experiance has been accumulated in the design of electron spectrometers, formation of electron beams, particle detection, time-resolved laser spectroscopy as well as in high vacuum technology. We mantain database on electron scattering processes - BEAMDB. Researchers are collaborating with other groups on experiments with synchrotron radiation at SOLEIL and ELETTRA and atomic/molecular theoretical groups.


Head: Dr. Nenad Simonovic


  • Dr. Jozo Jureta
  • Dr. Tasko Grozdanov
  • Dr. Bratislav Marinkovic
  • Dr. Dragutin Sevic
  • Dr. Duska Popovic
  • Dr. Sanja Tosic
  • Dr. Jelena Maljkovic
  • Dr. Maja Rabasovic
  • Dr. Andrej Bunjac
  • Associate Members:

  • Prof. Dr. Mira Terzic
  • Prof. Dr. Branko Predojevic
  • Prof. Dr. Violeta Petrovic
  • Dr. Hristina Delibašic Markovic
  • AM Theory Group link


  • Dragana Pavlovic
  • Jelena Vukalovic
  • Stefan Ivanovic
  • Open positions - PhD students are welcomed! LACP_Topics for student practices 2024-2025
  • Founder of the Laboratory: † Prof. Dr. Milan Kurepa (1933-2000)

    Previous Members:

  • Prof. Dr. Leposava Vuskovic
  • Prof. Dr. Aleksandar Stamatovic
  • Dr. Slobodan Cvejanovic
  • Dr. Danica Cvejanovic
  • Dr. Iztok Cadez
  • Dr. Nada Djuric
  • † Prof. Dr. Vladimir Pejcev (1948 - 2018)
  • † Prof. Dr. Valerij Bocvarski (1949 - 2016)
  • † Prof. Dr. Dusan Filipovic (1951 - 2010)
  • Prof. Dr. Dragoljub Belic
  • Dr. Lidija Andric
  • Dr. Dane Cubric
  • Dr. Djerdj Vikor
  • Dr. Momir Stepanovic
  • Dr. Aleksandar Milosavljevic
  • Dr. Predrag Kolarz
  • Dr. Radmila Panajotovic
  • Dr. Stojan Madzunkov
  • Dr. Zoran D. Pesic
  • Dr. Branko Tomcik
  • Dr. Milos Rankovic @IPB and @J.Heyrovský Institute of Physical Chemistry, Prag
  • Dr. Dragan Lukic
  • Dr. Jadranka Sekaric
  • Milan Minic, M.Sci,
  • Goran Josifov, M.Sci.
  • Previous Students: Prof. Dr. Dragica (Babic) Knezevic, Slobodanka Kalezic, M.Sc., Dr. Zeljka Nikitovic, Dr. Sanja Pavlovic (Cuckovic)

    Previous Technical Staff: Miroslav Maksimovic, Borislav Glavan, Zoran Cvetkovic, Zeljko Reljic

    AMO Team on December 2011

    Members of the Laboratory, December 2011.

    Jelana Maljkovic, Vladimir Pejcev, Svetlana Vucic, Sanja Tosic, Dragutin Sevic, Miroslav Maksimovic, Branko Tomcik, Stefan Djordjevic, Duska Popovic, Nenad Simonovic, Aleksandar Milosavljevic, Leposava Vuskovic, Bratislav Marinkovic, Tasko Grozdanov, Vojislav Radojevic

    Photo gallery

    Projects and Publications


    Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovation - Republic of Serbia Science Fund - Republic of Serbia

    *2024 - 2026 Project #6821 ATMOLCOL

    "Atoms and (bio)molecules-dynamics and collisional processes on short time scale"
    Publications: 2024 , 2025

    *2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 publications in Atomic, Molecular, Optical and Chemical Physics.

    Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development - Republic of Serbia Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development - Republic of Serbia

    *2011 - 2019 Project #OI 171020 in Experimental Physics of Atomic Collisions

    "Physics of collisions and photo processes in atomic, (bio)molecular and nanosized systems"
    Publications: 2011 , 2012 , 2013 , 2014 , 2015 , 2016 , 2017 , 2018 , 2019

    Current areas of research activities are:

    (1) UGRA - Electron Spectrometer for Angular Distributions - is an electron spectrometer with high current electron beam gun and double mirror cylindrical analyser designed for measuring angular distribution of ionic fragments from molecular dissociation upon electron impact.

    (2) OHRHA Omicron High Resolution Hemispherical Analyzer - is an high resolution electron spectrometer for collecting and analyzing Auger electrons. {OHRHA Publications} .

    (3) TR-LIS Time Resolved - Laser Induced Spectroscopy - presentation

    (4) Interaction of synchrotron radiation with atoms and molecules. Radiation damage. Ultrafast chemistry. ESUO-Serbia

    (5) Atomic and Molecular Theory

    (6) BEAMDB - Information System in Atomic Collisional Physics Research and Belgrade Electron Atom (Molecule) DataBase. It is a part of VAMDC Consortium and RADAM database portal . {BEAMDB Publications} .

    Concluded experimental set-ups:

    Postgraduate Research Projects:

    (1) Measuring of autionization spectra utilizing electron spectrometers.

    (2) Database for electron-atom scattering processes and cross sections.

    Ministry of Science and Technological Development - Republic of Serbia

    *2006 - 2010 Project No. 141011 in Experimental Physics of Atomic Collisions

    "Electron and laser spectrometry and collisional cross sections for atoms, ions, molecules, metastables and biomolecules"
    Publications: 2006 , 2007 , 2008 , 2009 , 2010

    *2001 - 2005 Project No. 1424 in Experimental Physics of Atomic Collisions

    "Experimental investigation of laser and electron interaction with atoms, metal vapours and molecules"
    Publications: 1996-2000 , 2001 , 2002 , 2003 , 2004 , 2005

    *April 2008 - March 2009 National Technological Project No. 23024 in Applied Research in Sciences

    "Characterization of insulating nanocapillaries by electron beam"



    COST - Co-operation in Science and Technology


    Conferences organized by us:

    Awards and distinctions:


    LINKS: AMO groups in Serbia

    Research projects in AMO Physics 2011 - 2019

    Research projects in AMO Physics 2006 - 2010

    Research projects in AMO (Atomic, Molecular and Optical) Physics 2001 - 2005

    Centre 3

    Updated: February 26, 2025