Centre 3
Laboratory for Atomic Collision Processes
Laboratorija za fiziku atomskih sudarnih procesa

Introduction ,
People ,
Gallery ,
Projects and Publications ,
Collaboration ,
Conferences ,
Awards ,
Our research ranges from elementary processes in atomic systems to luminescence properties of nanoscale materials;
from simple atoms to biomolecules with applications for medicine, radiation damage and environmental science.
Collisional processes of electrons, like elastic scattering, excitation, ionization and autoionization,
dissociative attachment, and others are studied. Research activities within the Laboratory for atomic collision processes
are aimed at quantifying and understanding the fundamental basis for these processes.
Theoretical studies are oriented towards uderstanding of atomic particle scattering on 2-D periodic structures, interactions of atoms with strong laser fields, quantum dots in EM fields and quantum information theory.
There are three main experimental set-ups currently running: UGRA, TR-LIS and OHRHA. All of these have openings for postgraduate research projects.
Much experiance has been accumulated in the design of electron spectrometers, formation of electron beams, particle detection, time-resolved laser spectroscopy
as well as in high vacuum technology. We mantain database on electron scattering processes - BEAMDB.
Researchers are collaborating with other groups on experiments with synchrotron radiation at SOLEIL and ELETTRA and atomic/molecular theoretical groups.
Dr. Nenad Simonovic
Dr. Jozo Jureta
Dr. Tasko Grozdanov
Dr. Bratislav Marinkovic
Dr. Dragutin Sevic
Dr. Duska Popovic
Dr. Sanja Tosic
Dr. Jelena Maljkovic
Dr. Maja Rabasovic
Dr. Andrej Bunjac
Associate Members:
Prof. Dr. Mira Terzic
Prof. Dr. Branko Predojevic
Prof. Dr. Violeta Petrovic
Dr. Hristina Delibašic Markovic
AM Theory Group link
Dragana Pavlovic
Jelena Vukalovic
Stefan Ivanovic
Open positions - PhD students are welcomed!
LACP_Topics for student practices 2024-2025
Founder of the Laboratory: † Prof.
Dr. Milan Kurepa (1933-2000)
Previous Members:
Prof. Dr. Leposava Vuskovic
Prof. Dr. Aleksandar Stamatovic
Dr. Slobodan Cvejanovic
Dr. Danica Cvejanovic
Dr. Iztok Cadez
Dr. Nada Djuric
† Prof. Dr. Vladimir Pejcev (1948 - 2018)
† Prof. Dr. Valerij Bocvarski (1949 - 2016)
† Prof. Dr. Dusan Filipovic (1951 - 2010)
Prof. Dr. Dragoljub Belic
Dr. Lidija Andric
Dr. Dane Cubric
Dr. Djerdj Vikor
Dr. Momir Stepanovic
Dr. Aleksandar Milosavljevic
Dr. Predrag Kolarz
Dr. Radmila Panajotovic
Dr. Stojan Madzunkov
Dr. Zoran D. Pesic
Dr. Branko Tomcik
Dr. Milos Rankovic @IPB and
@J.Heyrovský Institute of Physical Chemistry, Prag
Dr. Dragan Lukic
Dr. Jadranka Sekaric
Milan Minic, M.Sci,
Goran Josifov, M.Sci.
Previous Students:
Prof. Dr. Dragica (Babic) Knezevic,
Slobodanka Kalezic, M.Sc.,
Dr. Zeljka Nikitovic,
Dr. Sanja Pavlovic (Cuckovic)
Previous Technical Staff:
Miroslav Maksimovic, Borislav Glavan, Zoran Cvetkovic, Zeljko Reljic
Members of the Laboratory, December 2011.
Jelana Maljkovic, Vladimir Pejcev, Svetlana Vucic, Sanja Tosic, Dragutin Sevic, Miroslav Maksimovic, Branko Tomcik, Stefan Djordjevic, Duska Popovic, Nenad Simonovic, Aleksandar Milosavljevic, Leposava Vuskovic, Bratislav Marinkovic, Tasko Grozdanov, Vojislav Radojevic
Photo gallery
Projects and Publications
"Atoms and (bio)molecules-dynamics and collisional processes on short time scale"
Publications: 2024 , 2025
*2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 publications in Atomic, Molecular, Optical and Chemical Physics.
"Physics of collisions and photo processes in atomic, (bio)molecular and nanosized systems"
Publications: 2011 , 2012 , 2013 , 2014 , 2015 , 2016 , 2017 , 2018 , 2019
Current areas of research activities are:
(1) UGRA - Electron Spectrometer for Angular Distributions -
is an electron spectrometer with high current electron beam gun and
double mirror cylindrical analyser designed for measuring angular
distribution of ionic fragments from molecular dissociation upon
electron impact.
(4) Interaction of synchrotron radiation with atoms and molecules. Radiation damage. Ultrafast chemistry.
Concluded experimental set-ups:
- (1) ESMA - Electron Spectrometer for Metal Atoms - was
a high resolution hemispherical electron spectrometer designed
for the study of differential cross sections of elastic and
inelastic scattering of intermediate energy electrons (10-100 eV)
by metal atoms.
- (2) SELE - Stepwise Electron Laser Excitation - was an
apparatus, which was intended for
simultaneous excitation of atoms by electron beam and laser beam
in order to investigate processes of electron excitation of
fine-structure levels as well as the excitation of excited atoms.
It utilizes an cylindrical throchoidal monocromator as a source
of monoenergetic electrons.
- (3) SPEPRA - Threshold Electron Spectrometer - was a high
resolution electron spectrometer for collecting threshold
excitation spectra of atoms and/or molecules.
- (4) ZAGA - An apparatus for absolute measurements of
ionisation cross sections of atoms and molecules by electron impact.
- (5) Electron Transmission Through Nanocapillaries, Capillaries and Tubes - Study of transmission of electrons through nanocapillarie and interaction of electrons with surfaces.
{Cappillaries - Publications, Seminars, Projects} .
- (6) Detection of air ion concentration
- (7) Radon measurements - using RAD7 instrument.
- (8) Online UV-B radiation over Belgrade
Postgraduate Research Projects:
(1) Measuring of autionization spectra utilizing electron spectrometers.
(2) Database for electron-atom scattering processes and cross sections.
"Electron and laser spectrometry and collisional cross sections for atoms, ions, molecules, metastables and biomolecules"
Publications: 2006 , 2007 , 2008 , 2009 , 2010
"Experimental investigation of laser and electron interaction with atoms, metal vapours and molecules"
Publications: 1996-2000 , 2001 , 2002 , 2003 , 2004 , 2005
"Characterization of insulating nanocapillaries by electron beam"
- COST CA20129 MultIChem
"Multiscale Irradiation and Chemistry Driven Processes and Related Technologies", 04/10/2021 - 03/10/2025
- COST CA18222 AttoChem
"Attosecond Chemistry", 04/06/2019 - 03/06/2023
"Molecular Dynamics in the GAS phase", 04/06/2019 - 03/06/2023
- COST CA18210 Roxy
"Oxygen sensing a novel mean for biology and technology of fruit quality", 28/06/2019 - 03/06/2023
"Towards understanding and modelling intense electronic excitation", 13/04/2018 - 11/09/2022
- COST IC1401 MemoCiS
"Memristors - Devices, Models, Circuits, Systems and Applications", 10/12/2014 - 09/12/2018
"Chemistry for Electron-Induced Nanofabrication", 23/10/2013 - 22/10/2017
"XUV/X-ray light and fast ions for ultrafast chemistry" , 13/05/2013 - 12/05/2017
- COST MP1002 Nano-IBCT
"Nano-scale insights in ion beam cancer therapy", 07/12/2010 - 06/12/2014
- COST FA0906 UV4growth
"UV-B radiation: A specific regulator of plant growth and food quality in a changing climate", 07/04/2010 - 07/04/2014
"Electron Controlled Chemical Lithography", 28/03/2007 - 14/05/2011
"Radiation Damage in Biomolecular Systems", 21/11/2002 - 16/11/2007
Conferences organized by us:
- X-ray Interaction with Biomolecules in Gas Phase (XiBiGP) Workshop 31st SPIG 2022, 5th September 2022, Belgrade, Serbia.
- X-ray Interaction with Biomolecules in Gas Phase (XiBiGP) Workshop 29th SPIG 2018, 28th August 2018, Belgrade, Serbia.
October 13-14th 2017, Memorial workshop and book presentation:
MORPHOLOGIE DE LA PHYSIQUE (Editions Edilivre, 2015).
- COST XLIC WG2 2015
Working Group 2 Expert Meeting on Biomolecules, April 27-30, 2015, Fruška gora, Serbia.
COST Action CM1204
(XUV/X-ray light and fast ions for ultrafast chemistry).
- 27th SPIG 2014 ,
27th Summer School and International Symposium on the Physics of Ionized Gases (SPIG 2014), August 26-29, 2014, Belgrade, Serbia.
- 5th CEPAS 2011 ,
5th International Conference on Elementary Processes in Atomic Systems, 22-24 June 2011, Belgrade, Serbia.
- 1st CEAMPP 2008 ,
1st National Conference on Electronic, Atomic, Molecular and Photonic Physics, 15-18 May 2008, Zajecar, Serbia.
- 23rd SPIG 2006 ,
23rd Summer School and International Symposium on Physics of Ionized Gases, 28 August - 1 September 2006, Kopaonik, Serbia.
- Electron - A Hundred Years from the Discovery Elektron - sto godina od otkrica, SASA, Belgrade, 15-19.09.1997,
The First Announcement
- 17th SPIG 1994 ,
17th Summer School and International Symposium on Physics of Ionized Gases, 28 August - 1 September 1994, Belgrade, Serbia.
- Simpozijum "Institut za fiziku danas i sutra" - I tematski skup: Atomska i molekularna fizika, Zemun, 22.02.1985.
Awards and distinctions:
- 2011 Institute of Physics Belgrade Annual award for scientific achievements - Dr. Aleksandar Milosavljević
- 2007 Institute of Physics Belgrade Student award - Sanja Tošić
- 2006 Institute of Physics Belgrade Annual award for scientific achievements in experimental physics of electron-atom and electron-molecule collision processes - Dr. Bratislav Marinković
- 1994 Institute of Physics Belgrade Student award - Radmila Panajotović
- 1992 Institute of Physics Belgrade Student award - Duska Popović
- 1989 City of Beograd, "October Award" for the book "Physics and Techniques of Vacuum" - Prof. Dr. Milan Kurepa
- 1988 Presidency of the SFR Yugoslavia - Medal of Work with the Red Flag for the research in Physics - Prof. Dr. Milan Kurepa
- 1988 Institute of Physics Belgrade Annual award for scientific achievements - Dr. Slobodan Cvejanović
- 1981 Institute of Physics Belgrade - Scientific Excellence Award on the occasion of the Institute's 20th anniversary - Dr. Leposava Vušković
- 1976 Institute of Physics Belgrade Annual award for the research in the field of Atomic Collision Physics - Prof. Dr. Milan Kurepa
- 1976 Scientific Concil of the Institute of Physics Belgrade - Recognition for the acheivements in scientific work and buildout of the Institute - Dr. Leposava Vušković
Centre 3
Updated: February 26, 2025